
An xgroupbyHtml is a panel that depicts an groupBy in a very short and simple way (basically as a string “Object.Dimension.Attribute”). You may integrate this panel into your UI.

xgroupbyShowVis extends Ext.panel.Panel. Thus, an xgroupbyShowVis can be resized, has a height and width, etc.

Config Parameters

groupBy = null

An instance of Xplain.Db.GroupBy (required). The groupBy to depict.

limitPerElement = 99

Each element (object, dimension, attribute) is truncated after this number of characters.

editable = false

If set to true, the user may edit this groupBy by clicking on it.

onAfterEdit = function(data) {}

A function that will be executed after the user edited this groupBy and clicked on the “okay” Button. The data parameter passed to this function will consist of the groupBy in raw format. You may build an instance of Xplain.Db.GroupBy by using something like var gp = new Xplain.Db.GroupBy(data) in the function.

delimiter = '.'

The delimiter used between the elements. Defaults to a dot, i.e. the output will be something like object.dimension.attribute.