2. Web API
Our Web API may be used to access the Xplain Data Backend. The following methods are currently available:
Add an aggregation to an already existing request.
:{ "method": "addAggregation", "requestName": "My Request", "aggregation": { // An aggregation as JSON object "aggregationType": "SUM", "object": "Customer", "dimension": "Income" } }The examples for
are similar to the exampleSUM
from above.Example
:{ "method": "addAggregation", "requestName": "My Request", "aggregation": { // An aggregation as JSON object "aggregationType": "COUNTDISTINCT", "object": "Customer", "dimension": "Income", "attribute": "income" } }The
can be any ofSUM
, additionally, the desired quantiles have to be specified, for example:{ "aggregationType": "QUANTILE", "aggregationName": "Quantile", "type": "QUANTILE", "dimension": "Rx Gross costs", "object": "Prescriptions", "quantiles" : [0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9] }Moreover, custom computed measures may be used as well. Example for adding a computed measure:
{ "method" : "addAggregation", "requestName": "Request with Computed Measure", "aggregation" : { "aggregationName": "Normalized Measure", "aggregationType": "COMPUTED_MEASURE", "expression": " {SUM(Rx Gross costs)} / {# Person}" } }The “expression” argument contains a string which encodes a mathematical function. The argument for that function are given in curly braces “{…}”. Those refer to aggregations which are already defined in the query.
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON.
JSON Schema
addAggregation |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
addAggregation |
The name of the request to which an aggregation should be added. |
type |
string |
A JSON object representing an aggregation. |
type |
object |
adds an aggregation dimension to the given target dimension. The aggregation dimension aggregates data from a child object (or any deeper descendant objects) according to the given aggregation definition.Example:
{ "method": "addAggregationDimension", "targetObject": "Patient", "dimensionName": "Costs of diabetes", "aggregation": { "aggregationType": "SUM", "object": "Prescription", "dimension": "Price" }, "selections": [ { "attribute": { "object": "Prescription", "dimension": "Product", "attribute": "Drug Category" }, "selectedStates": ["Anti-diabetic drugs"] } ] }Adding an aggregation dimension to an object basically is equivalent to an SQL statement which includes a
group by <targetObject>
clause. The above example computes for each patient the cost associated with diabetes treatment (see theselections
argument). After this method call a new dimension is available on the level of the target object (in the above example thePatient
). You can use this new dimension like any other dimension on patient level, e.g. use it in a query.In case the
argument is omitted, the selections for the generated aggregation dimension are pulled from the current global selections. I.e. the selections of the aggregation dimension correspond to the selections valid at the time when the aggregation dimension has been generated and are henceforth fixed (they define a fixed semantics of the aggregation dimension).In addition the argument
may be given and set totrue
. In this case, the generated aggregation dimension does not have its own selections (no copy is made) but selections point to the global selections (i.e. the aggregation dimension is aggregating whatever is currently selected according to the global selections).You may as well explicitly specify selections for some attributes and use the flag
in combination with that. In this case only selections for attributes which are given explicitly are kept constant, while selections for other attributes are pulled from the global selections.
POST /xplainsession
{Object} Current status of the session as JSON with the additional aggregation dimension
JSON Schema
addAggregationDimension |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
addAggregationDimension |
Name of the target object. |
type |
string |
The name of the new dimension. If omitted the name will be generated. |
type |
string |
An alias for the parameter dimension. |
type |
string |
An optional display name. If set, XOE shows this display name instead of the dimension name. The display name however is not an ID. |
type |
string |
An aggregation in json object format. |
type |
object |
The set of selections that will be applied as the where clause during aggregation. |
type |
array of selections |
This parameter may have one of the three values none (the default), all or only_propagate_upward. In case of none the selections for the aggregation dimension are kept as they are, which means that the resulting dimension hasnt necessarily a fixed semantics (may change in case the selections refer to a dimension which itself has floating semantics - this includes propagate upward dimensions). The given selections are sometimes also called fixed selections, which may be miss-leading in that case. If the parameter is set to all, all semantics will be fixed (indeed recursively, i.e., if the floating semantics emerges from a chain of references). In case of only_propagate_upward only propagate upward dimensions are fixed and are replaced by their non-floating counterpart (in this case non-recursively). This parameter offers an heuristics how to deal with the given selections before they are used as a part of the definition of the new dimension (it is not a part of the final definition of the resulting dimension). See also the equivalent parameter in #pin, # addRelativeTimeDimensions and #buildSortedSequence. |
type |
enum |
If specified, the aggregation dimension will use the selections from the given set as the selections applied during aggregation, thereby implementing a floating semantics concept. This means, whenever the selections in the corresponding set change, the aggregation dimension will have a different where clause, i.e. the selections of the aggregation dimension point to the given selection set. (As an exception to that see the parameter floatingSemantics, which you may set to false.) If, in addition to the parameter selectionSet, explicit selection are provided for a number of attributes (the argument selections), selection on those attributes are kept fix, however selections on other attributes are pulled dynamically from the given selection set. |
type |
string |
If, in case of a specified selectionSet (and if no explicit selections are specified), this parameter is given as false, then the current selections of the given selection set copied from there and henceforth used as the fixed selections of the aggregation dimension. This parameter is deprecated - dont use it any more. This parameter it deprecated - dont use it any more. |
type |
boolean |
Loads or generates an attribute and adds the attribute to the specified dimension. The attribute definition can either be read from the given file in the
folder defined by the environment variablexplainpath
, or is generated by specification of the bin boundaries of the values of a numeric dimension. Instead of specifying a dimension, you can also specify a dimension pattern - the attribute is added to any dimension where the name meets the regular expression. In addition a dimension exclusion pattern can be specified.Example:
{ "method": "addAttribute", "object": "Customer", "dimension": "ZIP-Code", "attribute": "Sales Regions", "fileName": "Sales Regions.xattribute" }Loads an attribute from file
"Sales Regions.xattribute"
and adds the attribute to the dimension"ZIP-Code"
. See the section “Loading Data …” on how to generate an attribute from a database table (or an Excel file). The attribute can also be generated directly from a database or Excel table without persisting the attribute to an.xattribute
file. The keys in the new attribute need to match the keys/values of the dimension to which the attribute is attached to.Example:
{ "method": "addAttribute", "object": "Customer", "dimensionPattern": ".*Revenue.*", "binBoundaries": [ 0.0, 100.0, 1000.0 ], "newAttributeNameSuffix": " - Class" }Adds a new attribute (categorization into numeric ranges) to all dimension of the object
which contain the string"Revenue"
. The name of the attribute will be identical to that of the dimension with the suffix" - Class"
added to the name.
POST /xplainsession
The current status of the session as JSON with the additional attribute(s).
JSON Schema
addAttribute |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
addAttribute |
The target object. |
type |
string |
The target dimension. (Might be replaced by |
type |
string |
Might be used instead of |
type |
string |
Might be used instead of |
type |
string |
The name of the new attribute to be created. |
type |
string |
Prefix for new attribute name(s). |
type |
string |
Suffix for new attribute name(s). |
type |
string |
The filename of an attribute file to be loaded (usually with filename extension |
type |
string |
The file descriptor of a Microsoft Excel file (usually with filename extension |
type |
string |
DEPRECATED. The filename of a Microsoft Excel file (usually with filename extension |
type |
string |
The name of the sheet in the specified Microsoft Excel file where the attribute shall be loaded from. |
type |
string |
The file descriptor of a CSV file (usually with filename extension |
type |
string |
A map of properties for the JDBC driver to import the data from files (only for CSV files at the moment). |
type |
string |
The names of the columns in the specified sheet of the Microsoft Excel file that make up the attribute hierarchy to be loaded. |
type |
string[] |
The bin boundaries / interval endpoints / split keys (this is a deprecated variant with just one level). |
type |
number[] |
Signals whether the intervals are left-open and right-closed ( |
type |
boolean |
Add a dimension as the boolean logic of two other boolean dimensions. All involved dimensions need to be dimensions from the same object.
{ "method": "addBooleanLogicDimension", "object": "Patients", "dimension1": "Male Patients", "dimension2": "Old Patients", "type": "OR", "name": "Male Or Old Patients" }
POST /xplainsession
The current status of the session as JSON with the additional boolean dimension.
JSON Schema
addBooleanLogicDimension |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
addBooleanLogicDimension |
The object which holds the input dimensions and which will also hold the result dimension. |
type |
string |
One of the boolean logic operations |
type |
string |
Name of the new boolean dimension. |
type |
string |
Add a computed dimension for a date/time element such as day-of-week, hour-of-day, or minute-of-hour.
{ "method": "addDateTimeElementDimension", "object": "Operation", "sourceDimension": "Operation DateTime (ms)", "targetDimension": "Operation Day of Week", "dateTimeElement": "DAY_OF_WEEK", "zoneId": "Europe/Berlin" }
POST /xplainsession
The current status of the session as JSON with the additional date/time element dimension and a suitable attribute.
JSON Schema
addDateTimeElementDimension |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
addDateTimeElementDimension |
The target object. |
type |
string |
The name of the source dimension storing points in time in milliseconds. |
type |
string |
The name of the new dimension to be created. |
type |
string |
The date/time element to be computed. Valid values are |
type |
string |
A string representing the time zone. |
type |
string |
Usually, this parameter should be omitted; then the suitable type is chosen automatically. Valid values are |
type |
string |
Add an ElapsedTimeAttribute. This is a multi-level interval attribute where the endpoints are numbers representing units of time elapsed since a certain reference date/time.
POST /xplainsession
The current status of the session as JSON with the additional ElapsedTimeAttribute.
JSON Schema
addElapsedTimeAttribute |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
addElapsedTimeAttribute |
The target object. |
type |
string |
The target dimension. (Might be replaced by |
type |
string |
Might be used instead of |
type |
string |
Might be used instead of |
type |
string |
The name of the new attribute to be created. |
type |
string |
Prefix for new attribute name(s). |
type |
string |
Suffix for new attribute name(s). |
type |
string |
Signals whether the intervals are left-open and right-closed ( |
type |
boolean |
The level names. (The default is |
type |
string[] |
The reference date/time. |
type |
string |
The naming scheme for the attribute states: |
type |
string |
The base time unit. |
type |
string |
The output time unit. |
type |
string |
The bin boundaries / interval endpoints / split keys, one array per level. |
type |
number[][] |
Adds a flag extraction dimension to an object. The new dimension takes a number from a numeric input dimension and extracts a bit for a fixed position (the bit index, where index i stands for value 2^i, i.e., the lowest possible index is 0).
{ "method": "addFlagExtractionDimension", "object": "Step", "dimension": "Error code", "bitIndex": 3, "outputDimension": "Error 4" }
POST /xplainsession
{Object} The current status of the session as JSON with the additional dimension.
JSON Schema
addFlagExtractionDimension |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
addFlagExtractionDimension |
The name of the object where the new dimension is to be added. |
type |
string |
The dimension of the given object that holds the numeric values where the boolean flag is to be extracted from. |
type |
string |
The index of the bit to be extracted. |
type |
number |
The name of the dimension to be created. |
type |
string |
Add a group-by to a given request. For instance, the following example groups data in “My Request” by customers’ gender.
{ "method": "addGroupBy", "requestName": "My Request", "groupBy": { "attribute": { // A group-by as JSON object "object": "Customer", "dimension": "Gender", "attribute": "Gender" } } }
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON.
JSON Schema
addGroupBy |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
addGroupBy |
The name/ID of the request to which a group-by should be added. |
type |
string |
A group-by as JSON object. |
type |
object |
Add a dimension as the linear sum of other numeric dimensions. The summand dimensions need to be all within one object branch. The resulting sum dimension will be put into the object at the end of that branch (farthest away from the root object).
{ "method": "addLinearSumDimension", "dimensionName": "Difference", "dimensions": [ { "object": "Patients", "dimension": "marginalReturn" }, { "object": "Prescriptions", "dimension": "Costs (est.)" } ], "betas": [1.0, -2.0], "dataType": "FLOAT" }
POST /xplainsession
The current status of the session as JSON with the linear sum dimension.
JSON Schema
addLinearSumDimension |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
addLinearSumDimension |
the to be summed dimensions given as an XElementPath |
type |
string[] |
The data type. |
type |
string |
An array of numbers of same length as the input dimensions (if not given it will be a simple sum). |
type |
number[] |
An addition constant to the linear sum. |
type |
number |
The name of the new dimension, if null the name will be generated. |
type |
string |
Add a dimension as the maximum of other numeric dimensions. The input dimensions need to be all within one object branch. The resulting maximum dimension will be put into the object at the end of that branch (farthest away from the root object).
{ "method": "addMaxNumberDimension", "outputDimension": "Maximum", "inputDimensions": [ { "object": "Object 1", "dimension": "Dimension 1" }, { "object": "Object 2", "dimension": "Dimension 2" } ], "constant": 1000 }
POST /xplainsession
The current status of the session as JSON with the maximum number dimension.
JSON Schema
addMaxNumberDimension |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
addMaxNumberDimension |
The dimensions to be used for calculating the maximum, given as array of XElementPath. |
type |
string[] |
A constant that shall be used in calculating the maximum value (i.e. a lower bound). |
type |
number |
The name of the new dimension, if null the name will be generated. |
type |
string |
Add a dimension as the minimum of other numeric dimensions. The input dimensions need to be all within one object branch. The resulting minimum dimension will be put into the object at the end of that branch (farthest away from the root object).
{ "method": "addMinNumberDimension", "outputDimension": "Minimum", "inputDimensions": [ { "object": "Object 1", "dimension": "Dimension 1" }, { "object": "Object 2", "dimension": "Dimension 2" } ], "constant": 1000 }
POST /xplainsession
The current status of the session as JSON with the minimum number dimension.
JSON Schema
addMinNumberDimension |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
addMinNumberDimension |
The dimensions to be used for calculating the minimum, given as array of XElementPath. |
type |
string[] |
A constant that shall be used in calculating the minimum value (i.e. an upper bound). |
type |
number |
The name of the new dimension, if null the name will be generated. |
type |
string |
Add a NumberRangesAttribute. This is a multi-level interval attribute where the endpoints are numbers.
The following example creates an irregular attribute, where the interval endpoints (bin boundaries) are given explicitly. Note that
is an array consisting of two arrays, each of which contains the interval endpoints of the two levels of the state hierarchy.Example:
{ "method": "addNumberRangesAttribute", "object": "Patient", "dimension": "# Prescription", "attribute": "# Prescription Explicit", "creationMode": "IRREGULAR", "binBoundaries": [ [0, 1, 10, 100, 1000], [0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000] ], "upperBinBoundaryIncluded": false }The following example creates an attribute, where the intervals have a constant size on each of the three levels. Note that
"endpointRepresentation": "DECIMAL"
means that the numbers are given in string form with quotes. (This setting is recommended in general because some numbers such as0.1
are not representable by the usual binary-based number types and processing such decimal-based endpoints requires special treatment.)Example:
{ "method": "addNumberRangesAttribute", "object": "Process", "dimension": "Measure", "attribute": "Measure Equidistant Intervals", "creationMode": "EQUIDISTANT", "endpointRepresentation": "DECIMAL", "lowerLimit": "-10.0", "upperLimit": "10.0", "equidistantCreationBinSizePerLevel": ["10.0", "1.0", "0.1"], "upperBinBoundaryIncluded": false }The following example creates an attribute, where the interval endpoints are created by repeatedly multiplying a base value with a factor. Note that the value of
causes also the creation of intervals within the negative part.Example:
{ "method": "addNumberRangesAttribute", "object": "Process", "dimension": "Measure", "attribute": "Measure Exponential Intervals", "creationMode": "EXPONENTIAL", "endpointRepresentation": "DECIMAL", "lowerLimit": "-2.0", "upperLimit": "30.0", "exponentialCreationBaseValue": "0.1", "exponentialCreationFactor": "2.0", "upperBinBoundaryIncluded": true }
POST /xplainsession
The current status of the session as JSON with the additional NumberRangesAttribute(s).
JSON Schema
addNumberRangesAttribute |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
addNumberRangesAttribute |
The target object. |
type |
string |
The target dimension. (Might be replaced by |
type |
string |
Might be used instead of |
type |
string |
Might be used instead of |
type |
string |
The name of the new attribute to be created. |
type |
string |
Prefix for new attribute name(s). |
type |
string |
Suffix for new attribute name(s). |
type |
string |
Signals whether the intervals are left-open and right-closed ( |
type |
boolean |
The fully qualified name of the class for the interval endpoints, such as |
type |
string |
The creation mode, either |
type |
irregular/equidistant/exponential |
The endpoints representation mode, either |
type |
string |
The level names. (The default is |
type |
string[] |
The naming scheme for the attribute states: |
type |
string |
The bin boundaries / interval endpoints / split keys, one array per level. |
type |
number[][] |
The interval names, one array per level. (Must be one element more than |
type |
string[][] |
The interval display names, one array per level. (Must be one element more than |
type |
string[][] |
The lower limit for the intervals. (Mandatory if |
type |
number |
The upper limit for the intervals. (Mandatory if |
type |
number |
The interval sizes (one per level) for equidistant creation. (Mandatory if |
type |
number[] |
The base value for the exponential creation. (Mandatory if |
type |
number |
The factor for the exponential creation. (Mandatory if |
type |
number |
Adds numeric dimensions to an object, whereby keys and values are given in terms of columns in an Excel file.
{ "method": "addNumericDimensions", "object": "Prescription", "keyDimensionName": "Product ID", "xlsFile": "New Product Prices.xlsx", "sheet": "sheet1", "keyFieldName": "Product_ID", "valueFieldNames": ["Price_Provider_1", "Price_Provider_2"], "dimensionNames": ["Price 1", "Price 2"], "valueDataTypes": ["INT", "DOUBLE"] }This example adds two new dimensions to the
object with namePrice 1
andPrice 2
. Those new prices are given in terms of the columns of the specified Excel sheet, headed with namePrice_Provider_1
. The columnProduct_ID
holds the keys (product IDs) thereby defining a mapping from a product ID to new prices.
POST /xplainsession
{Object} The current status of the session as JSON with the additional dimensions.
JSON Schema
addNumericDimensions |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
addNumericDimensions |
Name of object where the new dimensions are to be added. |
type |
string |
A dimension of the given object - the values of that are used as a key which maps to the given values in the Excel file. |
type |
string |
If given, the states on first level of this attribute are used as keys (instead of the values of the dimension) to map to the values in the Excel file. |
type |
string |
If given in combination with the |
type |
integer |
Excel file name which defines the numeric dimension / the mapping from keys to values. |
type |
string |
Sheet name in Excel file where the dimension is defined. |
type |
string |
The name of the column in the Excel sheet which holds the key values. |
type |
string |
The names of the columns in Excel sheet which hold the values of the new dimensions. |
type |
string[] |
Names of the new dimensions which should be added. |
type |
string[] |
Data types of the new dimensions. |
type |
string[] |
Load an XTable for a sub-object from a file and add it to an object view. The new object is appended to the given parent object.
POST /xplainsession
The current status of the session as JSON with the additional sub-object.
JSON Schema
addObject |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
addObject |
The file descriptor of the XTable file where the object has been persisted. |
type |
object |
(Deprecated) The file name where the object has been persisted. |
type |
string |
The name of the parent object. |
type |
string |
The data load method, either |
type |
string |
Decides whether the mapped byte buffers should be removed after loading the data. Example: { method: addObject, file: { fileType: XTABLE, // If this entry is missing, it is set automatically. ownership: PUBLIC, // or TEAM, or USER + the corresponding entry below // team: example_team, // user: example_user, filePath: [Diagnosis.xtable] } parentObject: Patient } |
type |
boolean |
Add a PointInTimeAttribute. This is a multi-level interval attribute where the endpoints are numbers representing certain points in time.
{ "method":"addPointInTimeAttribute", "object" : "Prescription", "dimension" : "Date", "attribute": "Date", "startDateTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00", "stopDateTime": "2023-01-01T00:00:00", "dateTimeLevels": ["YEAR", "HALFYEAR", "QUARTER", "MONTH", "DAY"], "zoneId": "Europe/Berlin" }The following example creates an attribute, where the naming format for the state names of the quarter level and the month level is explicitly given. In particular, the “QQQQ” part of the quarter format requests the text form, which is also influenced by the format locale “en-US”. This means, we request this part to be American English (“1st quarter”, 2nd quarter”, …). If the format locale is not specified, the default locale of Java VM is used, which could be German for instance (“1. Quartal”, “2. Quartal”, …). The month format part “MMM” means the short form of the month names (“Jan”, “Feb”, “Mar”, …). The state names for the levels of years, half-years, and days use the defaults formats, since no explicit format is given for them.
{ "method":"addPointInTimeAttribute", "object" : "Prescription", "dimension" : "Date", "attribute": "Date", "startDateTime": "2018-01-01T00:00:00", "stopDateTime": "2023-01-01T00:00:00", "dateTimeLevels": ["YEAR", "HALFYEAR", "QUARTER", "MONTH", "DAY"], "formatLocale": "en-US", "formatQuarter": "yyyy QQQQ", "formatMonth": "MMM yyyy", "zoneId": "Europe/Berlin" }
POST /xplainsession
The current status of the session as JSON with the additional PointInTimeAttribute.
JSON Schema
addPointInTimeAttribute |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
addPointInTimeAttribute |
The target object. |
type |
string |
The target dimension. (Might be replaced by |
type |
string |
Might be used instead of |
type |
string |
Might be used instead of |
type |
string |
The name of the new attribute to be created. |
type |
string |
Prefix for new attribute name(s). |
type |
string |
Suffix for new attribute name(s). |
type |
string |
Signals whether the intervals are left-open and right-closed ( |
type |
boolean |
A string representing the start of the first local date/time interval. |
type |
string |
A string representing the end of the last local date/time interval. |
type |
string |
An array of time units (e.g., |
type |
string |
A string defining the locale to be used for formatting the date/time instances (e.g., |
type |
string |
A string defining the format for the state names of years. |
type |
string |
A string defining the format for the state names of quarters. |
type |
string |
A string defining the format for the state names of months. |
type |
string |
A string defining the format for the state names of weeks. (The default depends on the other levels. It is one of the following formats: |
type |
string |
A string defining the format for the state names of days. |
type |
string |
A string defining the format for the state names of hours. |
type |
string |
A string representing the time zone. |
type |
string |
The time unit ( |
type |
string |
The fully qualified name of the class for the interval endpoints, such as |
type |
string |
Add a dimension as the quotient of two other numeric dimensions. The input dimensions need to be all within one object branch. The resulting quotient dimension will be put into the object at the end of that branch (farthest away from the root object).
{ "method": "addQuotientDimension", "outputDimension": "Quotient", "numeratorDimension": { "object": "Object 1", "dimension": "Numerator" }, "denominatorDimension": { "object": "Object 2", "dimension": "Denominator" }, "dataType": "FLOAT" }
POST /xplainsession
The current status of the session as JSON with the quotient dimension.
JSON Schema
addQuotientDimension |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
addQuotientDimension |
The dimension to be used as the numerator for calculating the quotient. |
type |
string |
The dimension to be used as the denominator for calculating the quotient. |
type |
string |
The name of the new dimension, if null the name will be generated. |
type |
string |
The output data type of the quotient dimension. |
type |
string |
Construct one or more relative time dimension(s).
If referenceExentSelections are given, those selections define the fixed part of the relative time axis.
If in addition a reference to an external selection set is given (the parameter externalSelections), any selections on attributes not a part of the referenceExentSelections will be pulled dynamically from the specified set (i.e. the time axis well have a floating semantics).
If no referenceEventSelections are given, the currents selections are used as the referenceEventSelections. As a result the time axis has as a fixed part of the semantics the current selections (whereby “current selections” refers to the selections valid a the point of time when creating the time axis, as a default from the globalSelections or any other selection set if specified). This applies in both cases, with and without externalSelections (floating semantics): For example, if no referenceEventSelections are given and the externalSelections are set to externalSelections = “globalSelections”, the current global selections are used as the fixed ones but nevertheless any additional selections added to the global selection set will impact the semantics relative time axis.
POST /xplainsession
A new XplainSession with added relative time dimensions.
JSON Schema
addRelativeTimeDimensions |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
addRelativeTimeDimensions |
An array of element paths (each consisting of object and dimension name). |
type |
array of element path |
An element path (object and dimension name). |
type |
array |
An element path (object and dimension name), optional coding an interval in combination with referenceTimeDimension |
type |
array |
The name of the base object. If the baseObject is not given, the root object used as baseObject. |
type |
string |
The reference type ( |
type |
string |
The names of the new relative time dimensions (must be of same cardinality as |
type |
string[] |
The reference event selections. |
type |
array of selections |
This parameter may have one of the three values none (the default), all or only_propagate_upward. In case of none the referenceEventSelections for the relative time dimension are kept as they are, which means that the resulting dimension hasnt necessarily a fixed semantics (may change in case the selections refer to a dimension which itself has floating semantics - this includes propagate upward dimensions). The given selections are sometimes also called fixed selections, which may be miss-leading in that case. If the parameter is set to all, all semantics will be fixed (indeed recursively, i.e., if the floating semantics emerges from a chain of references). In case of only_propagate_upward only propagate upward dimensions are fixed and are replaced by their non-floating counterpart (in this case non-recursively). This parameter offers an heuristics how to deal with the given referenceEventSelections before they are used as a part of the definition of the new dimension (it is not a part of the final definition of the resulting dimension). See also the equivalent parameter in #addAggregationDimension, #pin and #buildSortedSequence. |
type |
enum |
The time unit ( |
type |
xtimeunit |
Decides whether the time difference is based on the calendar or not. (Calendar-based means: the difference between 31.12.2020 00:55 and 01.01.2021 00:05 is ONE year/month/day although it is actually just 10 minutes, and thus ZERO years/months/days in the non-calendar-based setting.) |
type |
boolean |
Decides whether caching should be applied. |
type |
boolean |
This parameter is a beta feature - ask the Xplain Data team how to use this. |
type |
string |
This parameter is a beta feature - ask the Xplain Data team how to use this. |
type |
boolean |
If specified, the relative time axis will use the selections from the given set as the reference event selections (= zero point of time of the relative time axis), thereby implementing a floating semantics concept. This means, whenever the selections in the corresponding set change, the relative time axis will have a different zero point, i.e. the reference event selections of the time axis point to the given selection set. (As an exception to that see the parameter floatingSemantics, which you may set to false.) If, in addition to the parameter selectionSet, explicit reference event selections are provided for a number of attributes (the argument referenceEventSelections), selections on those attributes are kept fix, however selections on other attributes are pulled dynamically from the given selection set. |
type |
string |
If, in case of a specified selectionSet (and if no explicit selections are specified), this parameter is given as false, then the current selections of the given selection set copied from there and henceforth used as the fixed selections of the time axis. This parameter it deprecated - dont use it any more. |
type |
boolean |
Adds a random segment dimension to an object, i.e. a dimension which randomly assigns object instances to a given number of segments. The assignment is “pseudo random” based on a hash value of the corresponding key such that same objects are repeatedly assigned to same random segment.
{ "method": "addSampleDimension", "dimension": "Random Customer Segment", "numberOfSegments": 3, "sampleObject": "Customer" }
POST /xplainsession
The current status of the session as JSON with the additional sample dimension.
JSON Schema
addSampleDimension |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
addSampleDimension |
Name of the new dimension. |
type |
string |
Name of the new dimension (deprecated argument name - use |
type |
string |
The number of random segments. |
type |
integer |
The object whichs instances are assigned to random segments (root object if not given). |
type |
string |
Adds a new selection set with given name (ID).
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON with the additional selection set.
JSON Schema
addSelectionSet |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
addSelectionSet |
The name (ID) of the set which is to be added. |
type |
string |
Adds a threshold dimension to an object. The new dimension uses a comparable dimension and a threshold to construct a boolean dimension that signals whether the threshold was reached or not. The comparison can be configured to be strict. (In this case, the result is true only if the value of the underlying comparable dimension is strictly greater than the threshold.) After the actual comparison, the boolean result value can be negated if necessary. It is also possible to define the resulting boolean value for the case where the underlying comparable dimension returns a null entry.
{ "method": "addThresholdDimension", "object": "Person", "dimension": "Number of prescriptions", "threshold": 5, "strict": false, "negate": false, "outputDimension": "Threshold reached" }
POST /xplainsession
{Object} The current status of the session as JSON with the additional dimension.
JSON Schema
addThresholdDimension |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
addThresholdDimension |
The name of the object where the new dimension is to be added. |
type |
string |
The dimension of the given object that holds the values to be compared with the threshold. |
type |
string |
The threshold to be compared with the dimension values. |
type |
number|string |
Signals whether the dimension values have to be strictly greater (instead of greater or equal) than the threshold. |
type |
boolean |
Signals whether the boolean result should be negated. |
type |
boolean |
Defines the Boolean value for the case of null in the input dimension. |
type |
boolean |
The name of the dimension to be created. |
type |
string |
Add a dimension as the time difference of two other (point in time) dimensions. The input dimensions need to be all within one object branch. The resulting time difference dimension will be put into the object at the end of that branch (farthest away from the root object). NOTE: This function has BETA status. You can use it on your own risk, e.g. for testing, but there is no guarantee to continue this method in future versions. It might be removed again or changed in any way. An analysis that uses this feature might not load in future versions and could produce an error instead.
{ "method": "addTimeDifferenceDimension", "outputDimension": "Time Difference", "minuendDimension": { "object": "Object 1", "dimension": "Minuend" }, "subtrahendDimension": { "object": "Object 2", "dimension": "Subtrahend" }, "dataType": "LONG", "timeUnit": "YEAR", "calendarBased": true, "ageBased": true, "zoneId": "Europe/Berlin" }
POST /xplainsession
The current status of the session as JSON with the time difference dimension.
JSON Schema
addTimeDifferenceDimension |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
addTimeDifferenceDimension |
The dimension to be used as the minuend for calculating the time difference. |
type |
string |
The dimension to be used as the subtrahend for calculating the time difference. |
type |
string |
The name of the new dimension, if null the name will be generated. |
type |
string |
The output data type of the time difference dimension. |
type |
string |
The output time unit of the new dimension. (If ageBased is true, then only |
type |
string |
Signals whether the time difference should be based on a calendar (and a certain time zone). If calendarBased is |
type |
boolean |
Signals whether a calendar-based time difference should follow the style of the usual age computation. If ageBased is |
type |
boolean |
The time zone (e.g., |
type |
string |
Add a TimeDurationAttribute. This is a multi-level interval attribute where the endpoints are numbers representing units of time.
The following example creates an irregular attribute, where the interval endpoints (bin boundaries) are given explicitly.
{ "method":"addTimeDurationAttribute", "object" : "Example Object Name", "dimension" : "Example Relative Time Dimension Name", "attribute": "Example Irregular/Explicit Attribute", "creationMode": "IRREGULAR", "intervalNameScheme": "FROM_TO", "baseUnit": "DAY", "binBoundariesInBaseUnits" : [[0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000]], "upperBinBoundaryIncluded" : true }The following example creates an attribute, where the state names for the 3 resulting intervals are given explicitly.
{ "method":"addTimeDurationAttribute", "object" : "Example Object Name", "dimension" : "Example Relative Time Dimension Name", "attribute": "Example attribute with given state names", "creationMode": "EQUIDISTANT", "intervalNameScheme": "FROM_TO", "baseUnit": "DAY", "minBaseUnits": -240, "maxBaseUnits": 0, "equidistantCreationTimeUnitBinSizes": [240], "stateNames": [["less", "interval", "more"]], "upperBinBoundaryIncluded" : true }The following example creates an attribute, where the intervals have a constant size on each of the 4 levels.
{ "method":"addTimeDurationAttribute", "object" : "Example Object Name", "dimension" : "Example Relative Time Dimension Name", "attribute": "Example Equidistant Attribute", "creationMode": "EQUIDISTANT", "intervalNameScheme": "FROM_TO", "baseUnit": "DAY", "minBaseUnits": -360, "maxBaseUnits": 360, "equidistantCreationTimeUnitBinSizes": [360, 180, 90, 30], "upperBinBoundaryIncluded" : true }The following example creates an attribute, where the interval endpoints are created by multiplying with a given factor.
{ "method":"addTimeDurationAttribute", "object" : "Example Object Name", "dimension" : "Example Relative Time Dimension Name", "attribute": "Example Exponential Attribute", "creationMode": "EXPONENTIAL", "intervalNameScheme": "FROM_TO", "baseUnit": "DAY", "minBaseUnits": 1, "maxBaseUnits": 128, "exponentialCreationTimeUnitBaseValue": 1, "exponentialCreationFactor": 2, "upperBinBoundaryIncluded" : true }
POST /xplainsession
The current status of the session as JSON with the additional TimeDurationAttribute.
JSON Schema
addTimeDurationAttribute |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
addTimeDurationAttribute |
The target object. |
type |
string |
The target dimension. (Might be replaced by |
type |
string |
The time unit that the values of this dimension are measured in. Note: this is different from the time unit to be used to specify the intervals, see |
type |
string |
Might be used instead of |
type |
string |
Might be used instead of |
type |
string |
The name of the new attribute to be created. |
type |
string |
Prefix for new attribute name(s). |
type |
string |
Suffix for new attribute name(s). |
type |
string |
Signals whether the intervals are left-open and right-closed ( |
type |
boolean |
The creation mode, either |
type |
irregular/equidistant/exponential |
The bin boundaries / interval endpoints / split keys, measured in the time units specified in |
type |
number[][] |
The bin boundaries / interval endpoints / split keys, measured in the time units of the underlying dimension, one array per level. (Applies only to creation mode |
type |
number[][] |
The interval names, one array per level. (Applies only to creation mode |
type |
string[][] |
The interval display names, one array per level. (Applies only to creation mode |
type |
string[][] |
The level names. (The default is |
type |
string[] |
The naming scheme for the attribute states: |
type |
string |
Specifies in which units the bin sizes are given. (At the moment, this applies only to creation modes |
type |
string |
Specifies the minimum value (measured in baseUnits). (This applies only to creation modes |
type |
long |
Specifies the maximum value (measured in baseUnits). (This applies only to creation modes |
type |
long |
The interval sizes (one per level) for equidistant creation. (Mandatory if |
type |
number[] |
The base value for the exponential creation. (Mandatory if |
type |
number |
The factor for the exponential creation. (Mandatory if |
type |
number |
Signals whether larger numbers of smaller units should be reduced to smaller numbers of larger units (e.g. 180min would be reduced to 3h). Note that, in this case, it is assumed that 1 month = 30 days and 1 year = 365 days. |
type |
boolean |
Once a causal discovery model has been built, you can force an additional variable into the model to see whether this variable has an additional benefit relative to the existing ones (an contribution parameter > 0). It serves to understand why this variable is not amongst the variables which the causal discovery search has generated (“Xplain Why Not”).
This method is a first beta implementation. It might change in future versions.
{ "method" : "addVariable", "modelName" : "Glaucoma", "selections" : [ { "attribute": {"attribute" : "MP PCN ATC", "dimension" : "Rx PCN", "object" : "Prescriptions"}, "selectedStates" : ["G04CB01 - Finasteride"] } ], "threshold" : 1 }
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON with the updated model.
JSON Schema
addVariable |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
addVariable |
The name of the model |
type |
string |
A set of selections which define the semantics of the variable. |
type |
array of selection |
The threshold of the binary aggregation variable. |
type |
number |
An optional aggregation which defines the aggregation variable (default is a simple COUNT of the corresponding object). |
type |
aggregation |
Starts the model building process.
{ "method": "buildModel", "modelName": "Breast Cancer", "xmodelConfigurationFileName": "Causal Discovery Model Configuration.xmodel", "targetEventObject": "Diagnoses", "significance": 0.9 }Builds a model which is named “Breast Cancer”. The configuration is read from “Causal Discovery Model Configuration.xmodel”. The target is defined by the selections currently set in the object “Diagnoses” (the global selections displayed yellow in the ObjectExplorer). Thereby the parameter “significance” is set to 0.9, and will override a corresponding parameter given in the given configuration (“Causal Discovery Model Configuration.xmodel”).
POST /xplainsession
The session document including the new model.
JSON Schema
buildModel |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
buildModel |
Name of the model - also serves as an ID. |
type |
string |
The file name where detailed model configurations are given. For the parameters and the JSON schema of such a configuration see the corresponding documentation. Instead of xmodelConfigurationFileName you may also use xmodelConfigurationName or fileName as an alias. |
type |
string |
Alias for the parameter xmodelConfigurationFileName. |
type |
string |
Alias for the parameter xmodelConfigurationFileName. |
type |
string |
Instead of providing the file name for a configuration (see parameter xmodelConfigurationName), an explicit JSON object can be given as a configuration. For the parameters and the JSON schema of such a configuration see the corresponding documentation. |
type |
jsonobject |
If this object is given, the selections on that object define the target selections. |
type |
string |
See the corresponding parameter in the documentation of the Causal Discovery model configuration schema. If this parameter is given explicitly when calling buildMethod, it will override the corresponding parameter in the configuration file. |
type |
float |
See the corresponding parameter in the documentation of the Causal Discovery model configuration schema. If this parameter is given explicitly when calling buildMethod, it will override the corresponding parameter in the configuration file. |
type |
integer |
See the corresponding parameter in the documentation of the Causal Discovery model configuration schema. If this parameter is given explicitly when calling buildMethod, it will override the corresponding parameter in the configuration file. |
type |
integer |
See the corresponding parameter in the documentation of the Causal Discovery model configuration schema. If this parameter is given explicitly when calling buildMethod, it will override the corresponding parameter in the configuration file. |
type |
string[] |
If given multiple models will be built, one for each state currently selected in the given attribute. |
type |
attribute |
An optional array of selections on root object level. If given, training of the model will be restricted correspondingly. If evaluation results are written to files, those will have results for the training set as well as the validation set. The validation set implicitly is the model scope without the training scope. |
type |
jsonarray |
computes the most frequent states (or most important states according to a measure) for an attribute on an given hierarchy level of the attribute, and builds a new attribute, where those states are added on the root level and all other states are moved to an “other state”.Example:
{ "method" : "buildMostFrequentStatesAttribute", "attribute" : {"object": "Prescriptions", "dimension": "Rx PCN", "attribute": "MP PCN ATC"}, "aggregation" : { "aggregationType": "SUM", "object":"Prescriptions", "dimension":"Dosage"}, "newAttributeName" : "Frequent Rx", "levelNumber" : 5, "numberStates" : 100, "othersState" : "Less Frequent Rx" }In this example, for all states on level 5 the summed Dosage for that state is computed. The 100 states with the highest sum are exposed on root level of the new attribute. If the aggregation argument is not give the importance of states is based on a simple count of the corresponding object (frequency of the occurance of the states).
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON with updated object tree
JSON Schema
buildMostFrequentStatesAttribute |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
buildMostFrequentStatesAttribute |
Path of the attribute which is to be re-organised |
type |
attribute |
Name of the new attribute |
type |
string |
Hierarchy level of the attribute on which the most frequent states are computed |
type |
integer |
The optional aggregation (measure) by which importance of a state is measured / by which the stated are sorted |
type |
aggregation |
Optional selection which are used to compute a importance of a state |
type |
array of selection |
The number of most frequent states |
type |
integer |
Name of the state where all the other states are moved to |
type |
string |
The method “buildPredictiveModel” is an alias for “buildModel” - see this method.
POST /xplainsession
JSON Schema
buildPredictiveModel |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
buildPredictiveModel |
adds a dimension of a given “rank” to an object (or multiple ones). “Rank” there by means it add the i-th occurrence of a number of selected events as a new dimension to an object (whereby the sorting can be defined by some other dimension - typically a time dimension). As an example: the root object might be the “Patient”, and the Patient has “Diagnosis” attached as a sub-object. To understand the sequence of diagnoses you may add 3 additional dimensions to the object Patient with the semantics “first diagnosis (of a certain type)”, “second diagnosis”, “third diagnosis”. You may do this with reverse ordering and/or relative to a different point in time, e.g. you may add dimensions like “last diagnosis before death”, “last but one diagnosis before death”, … Furthermore, it may also be other objects (not just the root object) where those dimension are added. You may as well add additional dimensions to the object “Diagnosis” with semantics like “first prescription after diagnosis (of a certain type)”, “second prescription after diagnosis”, …Example:
{ "method": "buildSortedSequence", "sortDimension" : {"object" : "Prescription", "dimension" : "Date"}, "dimensionsToReplicate" : [ {"object" : "Prescription", "dimension" : "Rx Code"} ], "ranks" : [1, 2, 3], "names": [ ["First prescribed drug", "Second prescribed drug", "Third prescribed drug"] ] }This example will generate three new dimensions attached to the root object (= Patient).
{ "method" : "buildSortedSequence", "sortDimension" : {"object" : "Prescription", "dimension" : "Date"}, "dimensionsToReplicate" : [ {"object" : "Prescription", "dimension" : "Rx Code"} ], "ranks" : [-2, -1, 1, 2], "targetObject" : "Diagnosis", "zeroPointDimension": {"object" : "Diagnosis", "dimension" : "Date"}, "floatingSemantics" : true, "sequenceNames" : ["Rx Sequence relative to Diagnosis"] }This example will generate four new dimension which describe each diagnosis: the first two drugs prescribed before the diagnosis and the two prescriptions after the diagnosis. As the floatingSemantics is set, it will be sensitive to further selections set in Prescriptions object. I.e. you may select “pain killers” to see the first two pain killers before and after a certain diagnosis. The generated dimensions will be grouped into a sequence with name “Rx Sequence relative to Diagnosis”.
POST /xplainsession
{Object} Current status of the session as JSON with the additional rank dimensions
JSON Schema
buildSortedSequence |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
buildSortedSequence |
Name of the target object (optional - if not given the root object is assumed, or guessed otherwise). In case of a RankDimension this parameter is irrelevant. (The object of the sortDimension is used.) |
type |
string |
The ranks of the new dimension (position when sorted according to sortDimension) |
type |
array of integer |
For the case of reverse sorting / counting |
type |
boolean |
Names of the new dimensions - if not give a names will be generated. There needs to be one array of names for each dimensionToReplicate, and each array needs to be of same size as the number of given ranks (or a null array). |
type |
array of array of string |
When given instead of |
type |
array of string |
The dimensions which should be replicated (unfolded in time). Those need to be from the same source object. |
type |
array of dimension |
The dimension which defines the sorting (typically a time dimension, but could by any numeric dimension) |
type |
dimension |
The embracing object within which events are sorted (if not given the target object is assumed if this not in a different object branch, otherwise the root object). You might for example sort all events of a patient and find events of a certain rank, or you might want to sort events within a hospital case to define ranks within a case. |
type |
xobject |
An optional dimension relative to which the sorting / ranking is done |
type |
dimension |
The set of selections that will be applied as the where clause to the to be sorted/ranked events |
type |
array of selections |
This parameter may have one of the three values none (the default), all or only_propagate_upward. In case of none the given selections are kept as they are, which means that the resulting dimension hasnt necessarily a fixed semantics (may change in case the selections refer to a dimension which itself has floating semantics - this includes propagate upward dimensions). The given selections are sometimes also called fixed selections, which may be miss-leading in that case. If the parameter is set to all, all semantics will be fixed (indeed recursively, i.e., if the floating semantics emerges from a chain of references). In case of only_propagate_upward only propagate upward dimensions are fixed and are replaced by their non-floating counterpart (in this case non-recursively). This parameter offers an heuristics how to deal with the given selections before they are used as a part of the definition of the new dimension (it is not a part of the final definition of the resulting dimension). |
type |
enum |
If specified, the selections from the given set will be used as the selections (= the parameter selections), thereby implementing a floating semantics concept. This means, whenever the selections in the corresponding set change, the where clause in the definition of the ranks changes: the selections point to the given selection set. (As an exception to that see the parameter floatingSemantics, which you may set to false.) If, in addition to the parameter selectionSetDefiningRank, explicit reference event selections are provided for a number of attributes (the argument selections), selection on those attributes are kept fix, however selections on other attributes are pulled dynamically from the given selection set. |
type |
string |
An old deprecated parameter which may be used instead of selectionSet. |
type |
string |
If, in case of a specified selection set (and if no explicit selections are specified), this parameter is given as false, then the current selections of the given selection set copied from there and henceforth used as the explicit selections and kept fix. This parameter it deprecated - dont use it any more. |
type |
boolean |
A list of attribute names amongst the attributes attached to the |
type |
array of array of string |
If given the dimensions will be grouped into a sequence (see the corresponding methods for more details, e.g. openSequence ). |
type |
array of string |
If this parameter is given, an additional rank dimension is added to the source object (the object where the dimensionsToReplicate come from), which assigns a number (the rank) to each instance. |
type |
string |
if true this means that the first instance in the array of sorted instances which is = zero point receives the rank 0, i.e. starting from the first equal (or greater) instance the numbering goes upward 0, 1, 2, … |
type |
boolean |
If non-null, only the transitions will be coded in the sequence, i.e. only if the value of this attribute on the given transitionLevel changes a new entry in the ranked sequence is made. |
type |
attribute |
If set to true, only the first occurrence of a segment is assigned a rank, i.e. only if a new value of the transitionAttribute appears, whereby new is defined by the transitionLevel. |
type |
boolean |
See the parameter transitionAttribute: the hierarchy level of the attribute which is used to detect transitions. |
type |
integer |
Caches all aggregation dimension which are currently not cached (and which do not have floating semantics).
POST /xplainsession
JSON Schema
cacheAggregationDimensions |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
cacheAggregationDimensions |
An optional list of dimensions - if not given all aggregation dimensions will be considered for caching. |
type |
array of dimension |
Removes all dynamically generated artifacts (dimensions) from the object tree which are currently not used - which means that dimensions are not removed if a) they are physical dimensions from XTables in the startup configuration or b) currently used elsewhere, e.g. in some request, in definition of aggregation dimensions or selections … and therefore cannot be removed.
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON with the corresponding dimensions removed.
JSON Schema
cleanObjectTree |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
cleanObjectTree |
clears all selections for all selection sets. All open requests are re-computed with no selections set.
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON with all global selections cleared and correspondingly updated results.
JSON Schema
clearAllSelectionSets |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
clearAllSelectionSets |
clears all selections from the current global selections of the session. If the optional parameter selectionSet is not given, the default globalSelections are cleared. To clear all selection sets, use the method clearAllSelectionSets All open requests are re-computed with no selections set.
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON with all global selections cleared and correspondingly updated results.
JSON Schema
clearAllSelections |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
clearAllSelections |
Delete all files in the result files directory.
{ "method": "clearResultsFolder" }
POST /xplainsession
JSON Schema
clearResultsFolder |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
clearResultsFolder |
removes the selections for the specified attributes from the global selections. Either the parametersobject/dimension/attribute
or the parameterattributes
has to be given. If only the parameterobject
is given, all selections of that object are cleared. If only the parameterobject
is given, all selections for attributes at that dimension are cleared.
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON with updated results.
JSON Schema
clearSelections |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
clearSelections |
The object for which selections are to be cleared. |
type |
string |
The dimension for which selections are to be cleared. |
type |
string |
The attribute for which selections are to be cleared. |
type |
string |
An explicit list of attributes in terms of their path. |
type |
array of xelementpath |
The selection set for which to clear selections - if not given globalsSelections is cleared. |
type |
string |
clears all selection set on one of the attributes the sequence is built upon.
POST /xplainsession
{Object} Current status of the session as JSON
JSON Schema
clearSelectionsForSequence |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
clearSelectionsForSequence |
Name of the sequence |
type |
string |
The reverse to the method expand: Recursively removes all children states from the first group-by of a query. See also the method expand. Collapsing states for which information for sub-states is no longer needed helps to not waste resources: Information for those sub-states is no longer computed and sent to the client.
{ "method": "collapse", "requestName": "Customers/DoB/Age", "stateName": "10-19" }
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON which no longer holds information for sub-states of the collapsed state.
JSON Schema
collapse |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
collapse |
The name (ID) of the request (query) which holds the state which is to be collapsed. |
type |
string |
The name of the state which should be collapsed. |
type |
string |
(Re-)compute a given request, for example after aggregations, group-bys or selections have been added. The results are returned with the next session JSON document.
{ "method": "computeRequest", "requestName": "My Request", }
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON.
JSON Schema
computeRequest |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
computeRequest |
The name/ID of the request which should be (re-)computed. |
type |
string |
Copy a table (or a subset of the table according to current selections) and save as a new table and/or add the subset into the current object model. This method can be used to cut a subset from an extremely big object for quicker analysis. Another purpose of this method is to pull a sample and simultaneously randomized the data. With that you might be allowed to pull randomized data from a customer installation into you local environment for debugging purposes.
CAVEAT: If you create a sub-set of a big table and use it in an analysis, then this analysis will not reload correctly as the sub-set is not automatically re-generated. You have to manually ensure that the corresponding sub-sample is available before re-loading the analysis. Also, only physical dimensions of the underlying XTable will/can be copied (e.g. no dimensions such as aggregation dimensions can be copied).
MISSING (ask the Xplain team if you need this): Explicitly provide a selection for defining the sub-set (in replacement of the current selections of the current Xplain session).
POST /xplainsession
A new XplainSession with the new object added (in case addAsSubObject = true, otherwise the session remains unchanged)
JSON Schema
copyTable |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
copyTable |
the object from which to generate a copy |
type |
string |
the name of the new XTable resp. the name of the new XObject when added into the object model |
type |
string |
file name where the new XTable will be written to - if not give the new table will not be persisted |
type |
string |
if true the new table will immediately be added into the object tree |
type |
boolean |
if given only those dimensions are copied |
type |
array of string |
if given only a corresponding sample is written, whereby sampling is done on root object level. A value of x means only each x-th root object is written. |
type |
integer |
values in those dimensions are randomly scrambled |
type |
array of string |
all values are randomly scrambled |
type |
boolean |
the package size of the new table |
type |
integer |
Create a request without immediately computing the results. Once created, additional aggregations, selections or groupbys can be added.
{ "method": "createRequest", "requestName": "My Request" }This example creates an empty request.
{ "method": "createRequest", "requestName": "My Request", "request": { // A request as JSON - see the section on the generic artifacts } }
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON.
JSON Schema
createRequest |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
createRequest |
The ID of the request to be created. |
type |
string |
A JSON object representing a request. |
type |
object |
deletes all “open requests/queries”, i.e. all queries which have been initiated with the openRequest/openQuery method. Delete thereby means those queries will no longer be existing in the current session (no results for those available in the current session document).
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON.
JSON Schema
deleteAllOpenRequests |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
deleteAllOpenRequests |
During a session, many requests might have been created, executed or opened. This method cleans up (removes) all requests.
{ "method": "deleteAllRequests" }See also #deleteRequest
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON.
JSON Schema
deleteAllRequests |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
deleteAllRequests |
Delete the model from the current session. Results will be lost if model has not been saved.
{ "method": "deleteModel", "modelName": "My Causal Discovery Model" }
POST /xplainsession
The session document as JSON.
JSON Schema
deleteModel |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
deleteModel |
Mandatory model name. |
type |
string |
Deletes a requests - it will no longer be available in the session.
{ "method": "deleteRequest", "requestName": "My Request" }See also #deleteAllRequests
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON.
JSON Schema
deleteRequest |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
deleteRequest |
The name/ID of the request to be removed. |
type |
string |
deletes a sequence previously opened with openSequence. Any selections on attribute of the sequence are cleared, all opened queries are deleted (see methoddeleteSequenceQueries
) and all dimensions related to the sequence are deleted.
POST /xplainsession
{Object} Current status of the session as JSON
JSON Schema
deleteSequence |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
deleteSequence |
Name of the sequence |
type |
string |
as compared todeleteSequence
deletes only the currently open queries which are associated with the sequence. Those can be re-opened with the methodopenSequenceQueries
POST /xplainsession
{Object} Current status of the session as JSON
JSON Schema
deleteSequenceQueries |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
deleteSequenceQueries |
Name of the sequence |
type |
string |
If true, queries for the marginal distributions for each sequence step will be deleted (one-dimensional). |
type |
boolean |
If true, queries which describe the transitions between each step will be deleted (two-dimensional). |
type |
boolean |
Sets the flag
cachingEnabled = false
. As a result aggregation dimension built henceforth will not be cached any more.
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON.
JSON Schema
disableCaching |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
disableCaching |
Just an alias for the method See also #getSelections - see there.
POST /xplainsession
JSON Schema
downloadSelections |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
downloadSelections |
Drops all existing caches of aggregation dimensions.
POST /xplainsession
JSON Schema
dropAggregationDimensionCaches |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
dropAggregationDimensionCaches |
Sets whether the user / the current session allows to swap data.
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON.
JSON Schema
enableCaching |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
enableCaching |
Values true or false code whether data swaps are allowed. |
type |
boolean |
measure the server performance by performing a method call with different maxThreads. The output will be stored in an excel file which can be downloaded via URL <host>:<port>/downloadfile?type=RESULT&filename=performance.xlsx e.g. http://localhost:8080/downloadfile?type=RESULT&filename=performance.xlsx
POST /xplainsession
JSON Schema
evaluatePerformance |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
evaluatePerformance |
The list of maximal threads to be tested |
type |
array of string |
The method Call that needs to be performed . |
type |
json |
Output Excel filename, default is performance.xlsx |
type |
string |
number of repeats to calculate the average measurements |
type |
int |
Just an alias name for the method
. See the methodexecuteAndExportRequest
for details.
POST /xplainsession
JSON Schema
executeAndExportQuery |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
executeAndExportQuery |
executes the given request and immediately exports the results to the specified file. The request (query) is then deleted immediately from the session such that no results are stored in the session document and no data transported via the web-interface. Therefore this method allows to export very large amounts of result data into a file (or a zipped file), which then can be more easily uploaded or copied elsewhere.The method accepts the same parameters as the
method - basically it executes those two methods in succession and then deletes the request. For more details seeexecuteRequest
POST /xplainsession
The current status of the session as JSON.
JSON Schema
executeAndExportRequest |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
executeAndExportRequest |
The statistics request in JSON object format. |
type |
string |
An array of statistics request in JSON object format. One of the two parameters, request or requests, needs to be given. |
type |
string |
The filename of an Excel template. |
type |
string |
The name of the result (Excel) file. |
type |
string |
The array of column names overwrites the default column headers in the result Excel file. |
type |
string |
Signals whether the display names of the states shall be used in the Excel file instead of the technical state names. |
type |
boolean |
Execute multiple requests in one batch.
{ "method": "executeBatch", "methodCalls": [ { "method": "deleteAllRequests" }, { "method": "executeRequest", "request": { // A group by as JSON object } } ] }A synonym is #executeScript
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON.
JSON Schema
executeBatch |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
executeBatch |
The file descriptor of a script file to be executed. |
type |
string |
The filename of a script file to be executed. This is a deprecated parameter (replaced by file)! |
type |
string |
The array of requests in JSON format. (A synonym is |
type |
object[] |
The array of requests in JSON format. (A synonym of |
type |
object[] |
Signals whether the requests should be recomputed after executing the batch. |
type |
boolean |
Work in batch mode. |
type |
boolean |
Decides whether the run is cancelled after an exception. |
type |
boolean |
Execute the specified statistics request and immediately returns the result in the session JSON document. The result of this request are “static”, that means as compared to openRequest (see the following section) the request will not be affected by any changes in global selections. If you want to change selections, group-bys or aggregations, you need to do that with the above methods and re-compute the request.
See also the synonym #executeRequest
{ "method": "executeQuery", "request": { // A request as JSON object } }
POST /xplainsession
The current status of the session as JSON
JSON Schema
executeQuery |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
executeQuery |
The statistics request in JSON object format. |
type |
string |
Execute the specified statistics request and immediately returns the result in the session JSON document. The result of this request are “static”, that means as compared to openRequest (see the following section) the request will not be affected by any changes in global selections. If you want to change selections, group-bys or aggregations, you need to do that with the above methods and re-compute the request.
See also the synonym #executeQuery
{ "method": "executeRequest", "request": { // A request as JSON object } }
POST /xplainsession
The current status of the session as JSON
JSON Schema
executeRequest |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
executeRequest |
The statistics request in JSON object format. |
type |
string |
A synonym of #executeBatch
POST /xplainsession
JSON Schema
executeScript |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
executeScript |
Adds the children states of the specified state into the first group-by of the given statistics request / query. The specified state needs to be a state of the first group-by as it exists so far. All the states of the first group-by need to form a hierarchy. Basically this operation is expanding one of the nodes of the hierarchy of states of an attribute and computes the necessary additional results.
For instance, the attribute “Age Group” might consist of an hierarchy of states as follows:
State hierarchy:
‘0-9’ - ‘0-3’ - ‘4-7’ - ‘8-9’
‘10-19’ - ‘10-13’ - ‘14-17’ - ‘18-19’
‘20-40’ - ‘20-23’ - ‘24-27’ - ‘28-29’
‘> 40’
In an initial openRequest statement only the first level states might have been put into the group-by. The
method enables you to drill into one of the first level states, e.g. to drill into the state ‘10-19’.Example:
{ "method": "expand", "requestName": "Customers/DoB/Age", "stateName": "10-19" } Technically, ``expand`` adds the children of a state of an open attribute to the group-by of the corresponding request. The ``expand`` method will work only if all the states of the initial group-by form a hierarchy/tree, and ``expand`` refers to the first group-by of a potentially multi-dimensional group-by.
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON with additional results for the expanded state.
JSON Schema
expand |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
expand |
The name (ID) of the request (query) which holds the state which is to be expanded. |
type |
string |
The name of the state which should be expanded. |
type |
string |
Adds all states up to the given level into the group-by of the given statistics request / query. The specified level name needs to be a level of the first group-by attribute. Basically this operation is expanding an “open attribute” up to some level, e.g. expanding a calendar hierarchy up to the month level to break down results by all hierarchy levels, years, quarter and month.
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON with additional results up to the given level.
JSON Schema
expandToLevel |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
expandToLevel |
The name (ID) of the request (query) which holds as a first group-by attribute a hierarchy of states with the given level name. |
type |
string |
The name of the hierarchy level of the attribute to which all states should be added into the group-by of the query. |
type |
string |
Optional argument to limit the expansion only up to the level with less then this max number of states. |
type |
integer |
Export the results of a set of performed statistics requests to an Excel file.
{ "method": "exportResults", "requestNames": ["requestName1", "requestName2"], "templateXLS": "My Excel Template.xlsx", "resultXLS": "My Result Excel.xlsx", "round": false, "columnHeaders": { "requestName1": ["Age Group", "Gender", "Segment", "# Patients", "# TRX"], "requestName2": ["Specialty", "Region", "# Patients", "# TRX"] }, "useDisplayNames": true }
POST /xplainsession
JSON Schema
exportResults |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
exportResults |
The names of the requests to be exported. |
type |
string |
The filename of an Excel template. |
type |
string |
The name of the result (Excel) file. |
type |
string |
An optional array of names, one for each request. If given, those names are used as sheetNames instead of the request names. |
type |
string |
The array of column names overwrites the default column headers in the result Excel file. |
type |
string |
Signals whether the display names of the states shall be used in the Excel file instead of the technical state names. |
type |
boolean |
Result lines (aggregation cells) where all exported measures are 0 are omitted. |
type |
boolean |
Fix invalid sheet names if for instance the name is longer than 31 characters or contains forbidden characters like colon (:), backslash ( |
type |
boolean |
A mapping of self-defined font names to font setting objects, each of which may contain the entries |
type |
object |
A mapping of self-defined cell style names to cell style setting objects, each of which may contain the entries |
type |
object |
A mapping from request names to arrays of cell style names for the header cells. |
type |
object |
A mapping from request names to arrays of cell style names for the data cells. |
type |
object |
Export selections (save to a file) for the global selections or an explicitly specified other selection set (all selections of those for given objects). Any floating semantics of the selections are fixed prior to the export, i.e., if a selections explicitly or implicitly refers to a dimension with floating semantics (e.g. an aggregation dimension which refers with its where-clause to a selection set), then this dimension is replaced by an equivalent dimension with fixed semantics according to the current state of the corresponding selection set. See also #importSelections and #getSelections
{ "method": "exportSelections", "objects": ["Patient", "Prescription", "Hospitalization"], // Leave out to export selections on all objects "file": { "fileType": "XSELECTION", "ownership": "PUBLIC", // or "TEAM", or "USER" + the corresponding entry below // "team": "example_team", // "user": "example_user", "filePath": ["My_selection.xselection"] } }
POST /xplainsession
The current status of the session as JSON.
JSON Schema
exportSelections |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
exportSelections |
An array of object names. If present, the selections of the listed objects are exported. Otherwise the selections of all objects are exported. |
type |
string[] |
The selection set for which the selections should be exported. |
type |
string |
The file descriptor of the destination file. |
type |
object |
See also the method
with similar / identical parameters. The difference is that getAnalysis does not save but return the current session as JSON object. If a fileName is given, the method simply returns the file content as JSON.
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON, whereby optionally user data and/or results are dropped, or a script which can be used to re-build the analysis.
JSON Schema
getAnalysis |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
getAnalysis |
The file descriptor of the file from where to pull the JSON content. |
type |
object |
If set to |
type |
boolean |
Optional parameter which may be used to drop results before returning the analysis as JSON so to only return the query structure without results. |
type |
boolean |
Optional parameter which may be used to drop all data except artefact definitions (e.g. drop data the user has added to the session, formatting data of the frontend, …) before returning the analysis as JSON. |
type |
boolean |
Optional parameter: in case this parameter is set to true, the session/analysis is not returned in the usual format (with a requiredArtifactsScript and additional fields coding the queries and selections), but one single script is returned which re-builds just everything. Executing this script will result in the original analysis (except any formatting). You may edit this script to adjust the parameters of this analysis. |
type |
boolean |
Provides information whether caching is currently enabled or not.
POST /xplainsession
The flag
JSON Schema
getCachingEnabled |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
getCachingEnabled |
Get all children states of a given state or all children states of the states of a given list.
{ "method": "getChildren", "object": "Patient", "dimension": "Age", "attribute": "Age Group", "state": "Teenager" }or
{ "method": "getChildren", "list" : [ { "object": "Patient", "dimension": "Age", "attribute": "Age Group", "state": "Teenager" }, { "object": "Patient", "dimension": "Age", "attribute": "Age Group", "state": "Adult" } ] }
POST /xplainsession
{String[]} return.children An array containing the state names of the requested children.
JSON Schema
getChildren |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
getChildren |
Array of JSON objects (list of |
type |
object[] |
The name of the object. |
type |
string |
The name of the dimension. |
type |
string |
The name of the attribute. |
type |
string |
The name of the state for which you would like to get the children. (If this argument is not given, the children of the root state of the attribute are returned.) |
type |
string |
allows to change the definition of an artifact. Currently supported artifacts are aggregation dimensions, relative time axis, rank dimensions, pins (SelectionDimension), and linear sum dimensions. The arguments are (largely) identical to the corresponding parameters when creating the artifact. There is, however, a little difference to the call when generating the artifact. If an argument is left void, the corresponding parameter is left untouched, for example if you omit the parameterselections
, the selections are not deleted but left as they are. That allows to send only the parameters that you would like to change in the method setDefinition.Example:
{ "method": "setDefinition", "dimension": {"dimension": "Fixed Time Axis","object": "Diagnoses"}, "selectionSet": "globalSelections", "referenceEventSelections" : [], "dimensionName": "Floating Time Axis" }This example switches the definition of a relative time axis from fixed selections to floating selections (those of the current global selections). The fixed selections are cleared. The name of the dimension is correspondingly adapted.
POST /xplainsession
{JSONObject} Definition or configuration information as a JSON object.
JSON Schema
getDefinition |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
getDefinition |
The dimension for which to get definitions specified as an XElementPath ({object: …, dimension: …}). |
type |
xelementpath |
Get information about certain files on the server.
{ "method": "getFilesWithDetails", "fileType": "SCRIPT", "fileExtention": ".xscript", "caseSensitive": true }
POST /xplainsession
{Object[]} return.files A JSON array containing entries with properties
JSON Schema
getFilesWithDetails |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
getFilesWithDetails |
The file type (implying a certain sub-folder of the |
type |
string |
The filename extension. Restricts the filenames in the result set to those that match the given extension (e.g., |
type |
string |
Signals whether the file extension should be matched case-sensitive (e.g., if false, |
type |
boolean |
Specifies a certain subfolder. |
type |
string |
‘getModelDifference’ compares two models (or a model with the corresponding “stashed” model). The method returns a JSONObject which has three entries: ‘additionalVariables’, ‘changedVariables’, and ‘removedVariables’. The first list contains new variables which are not existing in the original model. “New” thereby means those variables have a different semantics relative to the existing ones (but might statistically be equivalent). Vice versa ‘removedVariables’ lists variables which have dropped out. The list ‘changedVariables’ holds variables which have changed significantly according to the parameters which control comparison.
POST /xplainsession
A JSONOnject with the three elements ‘additionalVariables’, ‘changedVariables’, and ‘removedVariables’.
JSON Schema
getModelDifference |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
getModelDifference |
The name of the model which serves as a basis for comparison. |
type |
string |
The name of the model which is compared to the base model. If not given it is assumed that the base model has a stashed (=older) version against which comparison is done. |
type |
string |
The minimum difference in beta required to consider two variables a different. |
type |
double |
The minimum relative difference in beta required to consider two variables a different. |
type |
double |
The minimum difference in impact required to consider two variables a different. |
type |
double |
The two models might target to be explained events in time frames of different length. As a result betas will also be different. If the parameter adjustForDifferentTargetProbability is set to TRUE, the ratio of the overall target probability of the two models will be used to scale betas accordingly when comparing. |
type |
boolean |
Get the path for the specified states in a certain attribute. WARNING: While state names are case-sensitive in general, they are treated as case-insensitive by this method!
POST /xplainsession
{String[]} return.statesNotFound An array holding the names that are not contained as states in the specified attribute.
JSON Schema
getPathForStates |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
getPathForStates |
The target object. |
type |
string |
The target dimension. |
type |
string |
The target attribute to be checked for the states. |
type |
string |
The states to be found within the attributes state hierarchy. |
type |
string[] |
Get progress information about running jobs.
POST /xplainsession
{Number} return.totalLoad An integer characterizing the total load (total number of entities to be processed). The special
indicates an empty task list.
JSON Schema
getProgress |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
getProgress |
retrieves the currently selected instances in a JSON format.Example:
{ "method": "getSelectedInstances", "elements": [ {"object": "Person"}, {"object": "Diagnosis", "dimension": "Physician"}, {"object": "Prescription", "dimension": "Rx Code", "attribute": "ATC Hierarchy", "level": 2}, {"object": "Prescription", "dimension": "Rx Code", "attribute": "Substance"} ], "maxNumberInstances": 5 // "keys": [ "376", "5801", "11601" ] }The
array defines which parts of an object are retrieved. It is an array of x-element paths, each one referring to an Xplain artifact, an object, a dimension or an attribute. In the above example all dimensions and attributes from the “Person” object are retrieved. as only the object is given in the x-element path. From the object “Diagnosis” only the dimension “Physician” is pulled with all its attributes. From the object “Prescriptions” only two specific attributes at the dimension “Rx Code” are written into the resulting JSON document. For the attribute “Substance” the values of the first level of the attribute are written, as no level is given (default is the first level values). For the attribute “ATC Hierarchy” values on the second level of the attribute are given.Optionally an array of keys may be provided to pull data only for those keys, e.g. only for the patients with those keys.
To avoid that large amounts of data are pulled via the web-interface, the method is limited less then 100 instances. See also the method
for a method which allows to save a large amount of instances to file or a number of files.
POST /xplainsession
{Array of JSON Objects} The object instances in a JSON format.
JSON Schema
getSelectedInstances |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
getSelectedInstances |
The elements (objects, dimensions and attributes) which should be written into the resulting JSON documents. |
type |
json array |
With this parameter you may specify the selection set for which to retrieve the detailed data. If not given the default is globalSelections (the standard yellow selection set in the ObjectExplorer). |
type |
string |
An array of root object keys. |
type |
array of string |
The maximum number of instances with are retrieved. |
type |
integer |
For the current selections or a given selection set and for a given attribute, retrieves the leaf states a of that attribute within the selections. The selections need to be “simple”, i.e. no complex logic and no negations.
{ "method" : "getSelectedLeafs", "attribute" : {"object":"Diagnoses Ambulant","dimension":"ICD Code","attribute":"ICD Chapter"} }
POST /xplainsession
A JSON object which holds an array with name selectedLeafs.
JSON Schema
getSelectedLeafs |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
getSelectedLeafs |
The path to the attribute. |
type |
attribute path |
The selection set for which the selected leafs should be retrieved. |
type |
string |
retrieves the keys for the root object according to the current global selections.See also related methods, e.g.
POST /xplainsession
{Array of String} An array with the keys.
JSON Schema
getSelectedRootObjectKeys |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
getSelectedRootObjectKeys |
Get the selected states for a specified level.
See also #getStatesListForLevel
POST /xplainsession
The JSON array of selected states on the specified level.
JSON Schema
getSelectedStatesForLevel |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
getSelectedStatesForLevel |
The selection. |
type |
string |
The name of the level within the attributes state hierarchy. |
type |
string |
Get (all or specified) selections. See also #exportSelections and #importSelections
{ "method": "getSelections", "objects": ["Patient", "Prescription", "Hospitalization"] }
POST /xplainsession
The requested selections as JSON.
JSON Schema
getSelections |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
getSelections |
An array of object names. If present, the selections of the listed objects are exported. Otherwise the selections of all objects are exported. |
type |
string[] |
The selection set for which the selections should be exported. |
type |
string |
Get the session as JSON document.
POST /xplainsession
The current state of the session in JSON format.
{ “method”: “getSession” // as an alternative method name “getSessionModel” will also work }
The session is a “model” of current status of a client’s interaction with the system. Most method calls anyhow return this session (or the recent changes to the session). In case the client has lost the session status (e.g. because the browser has crashed), you may just “restart” and with getSession get all relevant session status information.
JSON Schema
getSession |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
getSession |
Get the states of a given attribute. The results are returned in a hierarchical structure of states and children states.
{ "method": "getStateHierarchy", "object": "Prescription", "dimension": "Drug Code", "attribute": "Anatomic Classification Hierarchy", "state": "Nervous System", "levels": 3 }This example would return a sub-tree of the hierarchical attribute “Anatomic Classification Hierarchy”, containing all descendants up to three levels of the state “Nervous System”.
POST /xplainsession
{Object} return.stateHierarchy The requested (partial) state hierarchy.
JSON Schema
getStateHierarchy |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
getStateHierarchy |
The name of the object. |
type |
string |
The name of the dimension. |
type |
string |
The name of the attribute. |
type |
string |
The name of a state in the attributes hierarchy. If state is not specified, the root state of the attribute will be taken as default. |
type |
string |
The levels of hierarchy to be returned. If levels is not specified, the maximum levels of the hierarchy will be considered. |
type |
number |
Get the list of states for a specified level of an attribute’s state hierarchy.
See also #getSelectedStatesForLevel
POST /xplainsession
A JSON array of the states on the specified level.
JSON Schema
getStatesListForLevel |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
getStatesListForLevel |
The object name. |
type |
string |
The dimension name. |
type |
string |
The attribute name. |
type |
string |
The level name in the attributes state hierarchy. |
type |
string |
The level number in the attributes state hierarchy. |
type |
number |
A flag signaling whether the states should be sorted. |
type |
boolean |
Get the subtree of an attribute’s state hierarchy that contains a certain substring.
{ "method": "getTreeContainingString", "object": "Patient", "dimension": "Health insurance", "attribute": "Health insurance", "string": "BKK", "caseSensitive": true }
POST /xplainsession
{Object} return.treeContainingString A JSON for the subtree that contains all states containing the search string.
JSON Schema
getTreeContainingString |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
getTreeContainingString |
The object of the dimension/attribute to be searched in. |
type |
string |
The dimension of the attribute to be searched in. |
type |
string |
The attribute to be searched in. |
type |
string |
The search string. |
type |
string |
Signals whether matching should be done case-sensitive or not. |
type |
boolean |
Signals whether the leaf flags should be with regard to the search-induced subtree (true) or with regard to the whole state tree of the complete attribute (false). |
type |
boolean |
Goes back to the selection status one or a number of steps in selections history.
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON with the previous selection.
JSON Schema
goBackInSelections |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
goBackInSelections |
Number of steps to go back in selections history. |
type |
integer |
Goes forward the specified number of steps in selections history.
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON with the forwarded selections.
JSON Schema
goForwardInSelections |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
goForwardInSelections |
Number of steps to go forward in selections history. |
type |
integer |
Load a query/request from a file (on the server). A synonym is #importRequest. See also #saveQuery / #saveRequest
{ "method": "importQuery", "fileName": "my_query.json" }
POST /xplainsession
The current status of the session with the loaded query as JSON.
JSON Schema
importQuery |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
importQuery |
The file descriptor of the query file to be loaded. |
type |
object |
Load a query/request from a file (on the server). A synonym is #importQuery. See also #saveQuery / #saveRequest
{ "method": "importRequest", "fileName": "my_query.json" }
POST /xplainsession
The current status of the session with the loaded query as JSON.
JSON Schema
importRequest |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
importRequest |
The file descriptor of the query file to be loaded. |
type |
object |
Load selections from a file (on the server). See also #exportSelections and #downloadSelections
{ "method": "importSelections", // "fileName": "my_selections.xselection" // deprecated "file": { "ownership": "PUBLIC", // or "TEAM" / "USER" "fileType": "XSELECTION", // Could be left out "filePath": ["my_selections.xselection"] // , "team": "my_team" // , "user": "my_user" } }
POST /xplainsession
The current status of the session with the loaded selections as JSON.
JSON Schema
importSelections |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
importSelections |
The file descriptor of the selection file to be loaded. |
type |
object |
The optional name of the selection set into which to import the selections (if not given the default / global selections are assumed). |
type |
string |
Kill all submitted tasks.
POST /xplainsession
The current status of the session as JSON.
{ “method”: “killTasks” }
JSON Schema
killTasks |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
killTasks |
Loads an analysis from disk previously saved with the method saveAnalysis. After loading, all existing queries are immediately re-computed based on the current data. In case underlying data (XTables) have changed since last saving the numbers will reflect the new data. Artifacts (e.g. relative time dimensions, aggregation dimensions …) which this analysis requires are automatically re-generated. If a conflicting artifact already exists (same place, same name but logically different) an exception is thrown.
See also the method resumeAnalysis.
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON with the updated requests.
JSON Schema
loadAnalysis |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
loadAnalysis |
The name of the file from which to load. |
type |
string |
An optional list of dimensions which should not be re-generated but kept with the existing logic. |
type |
array of xelementpath |
Load the XTable for an object from a file.
POST /xplainsession
The current status of the session as JSON with the loaded object.
JSON Schema
loadObject |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
loadObject |
The file descriptor of the file where the object has been persisted. Example: { method: loadObject, file: { fileType: XTABLE, // If this entry is missing, it is set automatically. ownership: PUBLIC, // or TEAM, or USER + the corresponding entry below // team: example_team, // user: example_user, filePath: [Patient.xtable] } } |
type |
object |
Replace an aggregation in an existing request.
{ "method": "modifyAggregation", "requestName": "My Request", "position": 1, // This means second position since indexing starts with 0. "aggregation": { // An aggregation as JSON object "aggregationType": "SUM", "object": "Customer", "dimension": "Income" } }
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON.
JSON Schema
modifyAggregation |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
modifyAggregation |
The name of the request to which an aggregation should be added. |
type |
string |
The index specifying the position (counting starts with 0). |
type |
number |
A JSON object representing an aggregation. This argument may also encode a computed measure, i.e., a function of aggregations already existing in the query (see example). |
type |
object |
For an open attribute (open request) the results are shipped as a set of lines for each state which is “open” (each state of the first group-by of the query). If all aggregation results for such a state are at the “default” value, no results for that state are shipped. “default” thereby means: the aggregation cell has not received any hits and therefore return a null-value (undefined, e.g. in case of AVG aggregations) or a 0-value in case of aggregations such as COUNT or COUNTDISTINCT. If, as a result, all children states of a state are omitted, the entire array of children is omitted.
Whenever you initiate a new query, the default for that query always is omit = false.
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON with omitted or non-omitted results.
JSON Schema
omitNullValueResults |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
omitNullValueResults |
The request for which results should be omitted. If not given, the parameter is set for all currently open requests. |
type |
string |
Defines whether to omit default results for the query. If not given explicitly, omit = true is assumed. |
type |
boolean |
is a convenience method which is identical toopenQuery
, whereby the group-by comprises the first level states and the root state of the given attribute.
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON with additional results for the opened attribute.
JSON Schema
openAttribute |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
openAttribute |
The name / ID of the resulting open query. |
type |
string |
The object name. |
type |
string |
The dimension name. |
type |
string |
The attribute name. |
type |
string |
The selection set the resulting query should refer to - if left void, the method openAttribute assumes the standard global selections |
type |
string |
is identical toopenRequest
- just another, sometimes more intuitive method name. For more details on parameter see the documentation ofopenRequest
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON with additional results for the initiated query.
JSON Schema
openQuery |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
openQuery |
The statistics request in json object format. |
type |
json object |
optional parameter - if set to true a prior existing query with that names is deleted |
type |
boolean |
is the dynamic counterpart toexecuteRequest
. The format of this call is identical toexecuteRequest
. The only difference is that selections specified in the request are dynamically amended by the current global selections. This means: Selections for attributes explicitly given in the request are kept constant. Selections for other attributes which are currently existing in the global selections are pulled from there - initially any any time the global selections have changed (e.g. with the commandselect
). Any time the global selections change, all requests initiated with an “openRequest” command are re-computed to reflect the changes in selection. This feature is the basis to implement an interactive usability concept such as in the Xplain ObjectExplorer.
is identical toopenQuery
- just another, sometimes more intuitive method name.Example:
{ "method" : "openRequest", "request" : { "requestName": "Simple Request", "groupBys": [ {"attribute": {"object": "Patient", "dimension": "Geschlecht", "attribute": "Geschlecht" }} ], "aggregations": [ {"aggregationType": "SUM", "object": "RX", "dimension": "Amount"} ], "selections" : [ { "attribute": { "object": "Patient", "dimension": "Region", "attribute": "Region" }, "selectedStates" : ["Berlin"] } ] } }In the above example, a query is opened where the selection / where clause
Region = Berlin
is kept fix, but selections for any other attributes currently existing in the global selections are dynamically filled in from there. If no selections are given explicitly in the above method call, all selections from the globals selections are filled in.
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON with additional results for the initiated query.
JSON Schema
openRequest |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
openRequest |
The statistics request in json object format. |
type |
json object |
optional parameter - if set to true a prior existing query with that names is deleted |
type |
boolean |
is equivalent toopenSequence
but prior to that creates an new attribute for the selected states (the methodreorganizeAttribute
). That attribute is then used to build the sequence.
POST /xplainsession
{Object} Current status of the session as JSON with the defined sequences
JSON Schema
openSequence |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
openSequence |
See the parameter of |
type |
… |
opens the queries typically required for visualizing a sequence.
POST /xplainsession
{Object} Current status of the session as JSON with the additional open queries
JSON Schema
openSequenceQueries |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
openSequenceQueries |
Names of the sequences previously generated for which to open the queries. |
type |
array of string |
If true, queries for the marginal distributions for each sequence step will be opened (one-dimensional). |
type |
boolean |
If true, queries which describe the transitions between each step will be opened (two-dimensional). |
type |
boolean |
If specified, the sequence queries pull floating selections from the specified set |
type |
string |
An alternative name method
- see this method.
POST /xplainsession
JSON Schema
pauseQuery |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
pauseQuery |
With the method
you may stop a query from being re-computed with each change in selections. Results are no longer transmitted. You may unpause the query with the corresponding commandunpauseQuery
. An alternative method name ispauseQuery
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON without results for the given request/query.
JSON Schema
pauseRequest |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
pauseRequest |
The name / ID of the query which should be paused. |
type |
string |
If set to true the most recent results before pausing are kept. |
type |
boolean |
Once you have selected a number of objects (e.g. “customers” or “patients”) or a set of keys of a categorial dimension, you might want to “pin” the selected segment in terms of a new dimension. You can to that with the pin or pinObjects command. As a result a new binary dimension with a binary attribute is created. The currently selected objects are assigned to one of the two states. This may serve to implement set operations, for example you may select objects not in a segment or in the intersection of a two segments etc.
The generated pin refers to the current global selection on the object where you put the pin. Those selections may refer to dimension (e.g. aggregation dimensions) which have a floating semantics. Per default all floating semantics is “fixed” before generating the pin such that the pin finally has a fixed semantics (internally a copy of the corresponding aggregation dimensions is generated with fixed semantics). In case you want to keep the semantics of the generated pin floating as well, set the parameter
.A pin will ignore selections on the dimension “.RandomSamplingSegments” which is used for sampling, such that the the logic of the pin will apply also outside of the random segment which is currently used for sampling.
Instead of pinning the current logical selection, you may also generate pins in terms of an explicitly given list of keys. The keys to pin may also be read from an Excel file.
{ "method" : "pin", "object" : "Patient", "pinName" : "Pinned Patients", }Pins the currently selected patients (current globals selections) by creating a new dimension with name “Pinned Patients”.
{ "method" : "pin", "object" : "Sold Products", "dimension" : "Product Keys", "pinName" : "My Product Segment", "excelFileName" : "My Product Segment.xlsx" }Pins the product keys given in the excel file.
{ "method" : "pin", "object" : "Machine", "pinName" : "Problem Machines", "keys" : [ "42", "2020" ] }Sets a pin on the two problem machines “42” and “2020”.
{ "method" : "pin", "pinName" : "Male Emergency Cases", "selections" : [ { "attribute" : { "object" : "Hospital cases", "dimension" : "HC Admission occasion", "attribute" : "HC Admission occasion" }, "selectedStates" : ["Emergency"] }, { "attribute" : { "object" : "Person", "dimension" : "Sex", "attribute" : "Sex" }, "selectedStates" : ["male"] } ] }Pins a certain type of hospital cases in terms of a selection.
{ "method": "pin", "selectionSet" : "Obesity Patients", "object" : "Person", "pinName": "Obesity Patients" }Creates a “floating pin”, i.e. a binary dimension with the semantics “is in corresponding selection set yes/no”.
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON with updated results if the pin is immediately selected.
JSON Schema
pin |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
pin |
The name of the object for which you would like to pin the selected instances. |
type |
string |
The name of the pin, i.e. the name of the new dimension and attribute. |
type |
string |
The dimension name in case you want to pin the values of a categorial dimension (instead of keys for object instances). |
type |
string |
Excel file name which provides a list of keys. |
type |
string |
Explicitly given keys. |
type |
array of string |
If given instead of other arguments, those selections are used as a logical definition of the pin. |
type |
array of selections |
If given instead of other arguments, selections in the listed attributes are used as a logical definition of the pin. |
type |
string of string |
One of the three values AND, OR or XOR. Different components of the given selections (selections on different attributes) are combined with the give boolean logic. |
type |
string |
If given and set to |
type |
boolean |
If |
type |
boolean |
This parameter may have one of the three values none (the default), all or only_propagate_upward. In case of none the selections for the pin are kept as they are, which means that the resulting pin hasnt necessarily a fixed semantics (may change in case the selections refer to a dimension which itself has floating semantics - this includes propagate upward dimensions). The name pin may be miss-leading in that case. If the parameter is set to all, all semantics will be fixed (indeed recursively, i.e., if the floating semantics emerges from a chain of references). In case of only_propagate_upward only propagate upward dimensions are fixed and are replaced by their non-floating counterpart (in this case non-recursively). This parameter offers an heuristics how to deal with the given selections before they are used as a part of the definition of the new dimension (it is not a part of the final definition of the resulting dimension). See also the equivalent parameter in #addAggregationDimension, # addRelativeTimeDimensions and #buildSortedSequence. |
type |
enum |
Reference to a selection set. In this case the pin (SelectionDimension) pulls its selections dynamically from the given selection set. It this becomes a floating pin. This parameter may be used in combination with explicitly given selections, e.g., in terms if the selections argument. |
type |
string |
Just an alias name for the method
. See the methodpin
for details.
POST /xplainsession
JSON Schema
pinObjects |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
pinObjects |
Generate a basic causal discovery model configuration from as less parameters as possible. All further parameters are proposed or set to default values. This serves as a starting point for further refining the configuration.
- Example::
- {
“method”: “proposeModelConfiguration”, “modelName” : “Auto Config”, “file” : {“ownership” : “PUBLIC”, “filePath” : [“Auto Config.xmodel”]}, “modelObject” : “Person”, “searchObjects” : [“Diagnoses”, “Prescriptions”], “processTimeScale” : “WEEK”, “targetObject” : “Diagnoses”
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON with the updated setting.
JSON Schema
proposeModelConfiguration |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
proposeModelConfiguration |
Mandatory name of the model. |
type |
string |
Mandatory name of the model object (the entity for which the statistical model is built) |
type |
string |
Optional list of object names which are used for searching causal factors. If not give, all objects are searched. |
type |
array of string |
In case of explaining an event (target object is a sub-object of the model object), the relevant time scale of the process, e.g. SECOND, MINUTE, HOUR, DAY, WEEK, MONTH. This parameter is optional, the default is DAY. If this default is incorrect you need to explicitly provide that parameter. |
type |
string |
If given, the configuration is persisted. The file parameter gives the location. |
type |
xfile |
Put a selection into an existing request. “Put” means that in case there is already a selection on the given attribute, then this selection is overridden.
{ "method": "putSelection", "requestName": "My Request", "selection": { // A selection as JSON object } }
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON.
JSON Schema
putSelection |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
putSelection |
The name of the request to which the selection is associated. |
type |
string |
A JSON object representing a selection - see the description of the generic artifacts. |
type |
object |
Add some data in terms of a JSON document to the current session or specifically to a request. Data is put based on a key and later retrieved using that key. The purpose of this method is to allow users / developer to store / persist data in a session (server side). Once the session JSON document is returned to the client it will hold those data (see the property “userData”) and can be read from there by the client. Typically this is used when developing clients which need to store e.g. additional formatting information. When saving a session (an analysis) those data are persisted with the session and will be there once loading the session again.
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON with the additional JSON data.
JSON Schema
putUserData |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
putUserData |
The key under which data are stored (userKey is also allowed as a parameter name). |
type |
string |
The data to be stored as a JSON object (jsonObject is also allowed as a parameter name). |
type |
josonobject |
Optional a requestID can be give in which case the data are specifically attached to the request - otherwise to the session. |
type |
string |
‘refitModel’ Re-computes the parameters of a noisy-or model, whereby a different significance or new target time frame can be given.
POST /xplainsession
The session document as JSON.
JSON Schema
refitModel |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
refitModel |
The name of the model which will be re-fitted. |
type |
string |
A new significance - if not given the previous significance will be used. |
type |
double |
If TRUE, the existing variables will not be pruned. |
type |
boolean |
If this selection is given, it is used as a new target time frame. It needs to be a selection on the target time dimension of the original model. |
type |
selections |
The name of the new, re-fitted model which will be re-fitted. In case you provide a new targetTimeFrame the parameter newModelName is mandatory. |
type |
string |
Remove an aggregation from a request.
{ "method": "removeAggregation", "requestName": "My Request", "position": 2 // Refers to the third aggregation, since counting starts with 0. }The example request removes the third aggregation from the request with name “My Request”.
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON.
JSON Schema
removeAggregation |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
removeAggregation |
The name (ID) of the request from which the aggregation should be removed. |
type |
string |
The index of the aggregation (counting starts with 0). As each request may have several aggregations, each aggregation is addressed by its position. This parameter specifies which aggregation should be removed. |
type |
number |
Remove an attribute from the current analysis within the current session. In case of “global” dimensions, does not permanently remove or delete this attribute but instead hides it within the current session.
{ "method": "removeAttribute", "object": "Customer", "dimension": "Age", "attribute": "Age Group" }
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON with the attribute removed.
JSON Schema
removeAttribute |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
removeAttribute |
The object which holds the dimension. |
type |
string |
The dimension which holds the attribute. |
type |
string |
The attribute to be removed. |
type |
string |
Remove an attribute from a dimension - see the method removeAttribute: the only difference is that this method will not report an error if the referenced attribute does not exist.
{ "method": "removeAttributeIfExists", "object": "Customer", "dimension": "Age", "attribute": "Age Group" }
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON with the attribute removed.
JSON Schema
removeAttributeIfExists |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
removeAttributeIfExists |
The object which holds the dimension. |
type |
string |
The dimension which holds the attribute. |
type |
string |
The attribute to be removed. |
type |
string |
Remove a dimension (and all of its attributes) from the current analysis within the current session. In case of “global” dimensions, does not permanently remove or delete this dimension but instead hides it within the current session.
{ "method": "removeDimension", "object": "Customer", "dimension": "Age" }
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON with the dimension removed.
JSON Schema
removeDimension |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
removeDimension |
The object which holds the dimension. |
type |
string |
The dimension to be removed. |
type |
string |
Remove a dimension from the object tree - see the #removeDimension : the only difference is that this method will not report an error if the referenced dimension is not existing.
{ "method": "removeDimensionIfExists", "object": "Customer", "dimension": "Age" }
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON with the dimension removed.
JSON Schema
removeDimensionIfExists |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
removeDimensionIfExists |
The object which holds the dimension. |
type |
string |
The dimension to be removed. |
type |
string |
Removes an existing group-by for the given attribute in the given request/query.
{ "method": "removeGroupBy", "requestName": "My Request", "attribute": { "object": "Customer", "dimension": "Gender", "attribute": "Gender" } }
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON with new results for the corresponding request
JSON Schema
removeGroupBy |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
removeGroupBy |
The name/ID of the request to which a group-by should be added. |
type |
string |
The path to an attribute. |
type |
attribute |
Removes the specified object from its parent object.
{ "method": "removeObject", "object": "Prescription" }
POST /xplainsession
The current status of the session as JSON (without the removed sub-object).
JSON Schema
removeObject |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
removeObject |
The name of the object to be deleted. |
type |
string |
Removes the specified object (if it exits) from its parent object. No error message is issued if no such object exists.
{ "method": "removeObjectIfExists", "object": "Prescription" }
POST /xplainsession
The current status of the session as JSON (without the removed sub-object).
JSON Schema
removeObjectIfExists |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
removeObjectIfExists |
The name of the object to be deleted. |
type |
string |
Removes the set with given name from the defined selection sets.
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON with the selection set removed.
JSON Schema
removeSelectionSet |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
removeSelectionSet |
The name (ID) of the set which is to be removed. |
type |
string |
Rename a dimension. The method will report an error if the dimension is used somewhere (e.g. in the current global selections or in a query) or if it is a dimension not generated within the current session (i.e. a dimension which existed a priori in one of the XTables of the startup configuration).
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON with the dimension renamed.
JSON Schema
renameDimension |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
renameDimension |
The dimension to be renamed specified as an XElementPath ({object: …, dimension: …}). |
type |
xelementpath |
The new name of the dimension. |
type |
string |
Replicates a dimension into a sub-object.
{ "method": "replicateDimension", "dimension": {"object":"Hospital cases","dimension":"HC Admission date"}, "toObject": "Hospital diagnoses", "name": "Replicated Admission Date" }With the above command the dimension “HC Admission date” of object “Hospital cases” will also show in the sub-object “Hospital diagnoses”. All attributes of the original dimension will also be copied.
Note: Replicating dimensions into lower level objects (i.e., flattening an object model) is a workaround if no other options are available. In general this is not necessary. In some cases, e.g., the XOE does not allow access to super level objects and dimension. In those cases you may use this method to replicate a dimension down the object hierarchy.
POST /xplainsession
The session document including the replicated dimension.
JSON Schema
replicateDimension |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
replicateDimension |
The dimension which will be replicated. It needs to be a numeric dimension. |
type |
dimension path |
The object into which the dimension should be replicated. It needs to be a sub-object of the object where the replicated dimension comes from. |
type |
string |
Name of the new dimension. If not given the name will be identical to that of the replicated dimension. |
type |
string |
See the method “loadSession” - the only difference to that is that the session JSON document is not loaded from a file, but is given in terms of the parameter “session”.
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON with the updated requests.
JSON Schema
resumeAnalysis |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
resumeAnalysis |
A session as a JSON object. |
type |
jsonobject |
An optional list of dimensions which should not be re-generated but kept with the existing logic. |
type |
array of xelementpath |
Saves the current status of the session (= an “analysis”) in terms of a JSON replica of the session to disk (in the sub-folder “sessions”). The given file name will be amended with the extension “.xanalysis” if not existing. See also the method
POST /xplainsession
JSON Schema
saveAnalysis |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
saveAnalysis |
The file descriptor of the file where to save the analysis. |
type |
object |
If set to |
type |
boolean |
Optional parameter which may be used to drop results before saving the analysis so to only persist the query structure without results. |
type |
boolean |
Optional parameter which may be used to drop all data except artefact definitions (e.g. drop data the user has added to the session, formatting data of the frontend, …) before saving the analysis. |
type |
boolean |
writes for all object instances currently selected (current global selections) data into a flat csv file. Data for which objects, dimensions and attributes to write are configured in theelements
parameter. The objects configured there need to be from one object branch (no sibling objects). Only then data can be “flattened” into one csv table. See the methodgetSelectedInstances
for more details how to configure which objects dimensions and attributes to write.See also related methods, e.g.
POST /xplainsession
JSON Schema
saveAsCSV |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
saveAsCSV |
The elements (objects, dimensions and attributes) which should be written into the resulting JSON documents. |
type |
json array |
An array of root object keys which can be used to constrain written data to only those keys. |
type |
string[] |
The file descriptor of the destination (csv) file. If left void the keys will be written to a public file with name |
type |
object |
(Deprecated) The filename parameter for the csv file. |
type |
string |
The name of the character set for encoding the csv file (e.g., |
type |
string |
If set to true, the export will implement an outer join logic, i.e., if an object instance does not have data for one its sub-objects specified in the export, then nevertheless one line is written for such an object where data for missing sub-objects are coded as null. |
type |
boolean |
After computing a Causal Discovery model, the final result (persisted in file with extension .xmodelresult) holds lots of information, in particular information about the causal factors which have been found and potentially the entire causal graph. The result file also hold information about the original configuration (the starting point of the model building process, a file with extension .xmodel), to which changes or amendments might have been done during the model building process. Using the method saveModelConfiguration you may save this final configuration to use this configuration as a starting point in a new Causal Discovery run. Thereby all result fields are cleared.
{ "method": "saveModelConfiguration", "modelName": "My First Model", "file" : {"ownership" : "PUBLIC", "filePath" : ["My Model Configuration".xmodel"]} }
POST /xplainsession
JSON Schema
saveModelConfiguration |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
saveModelConfiguration |
The name of the model for which to save the configuration. This model needs to be loaded in the current session. |
type |
string |
The file descriptor where the configuration should be written (the deprecated fileName parameter is supported also). |
type |
object |
Save a query/request to a file (on the server). A synonym is #saveRequest. See also #importQuery / #importRequest
{ "method": "saveQuery", "requestId": "my_query_id", "fileName": "my_query.json" }
POST /xplainsession
JSON Schema
saveQuery |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
saveQuery |
The name of the destination file. |
type |
string |
The name/id of the query/request. |
type |
string |
Save a query/request to a file (on the server). A synonym is #saveQuery. See also #importQuery / #importRequest
{ "method": "saveRequest", "requestId": "my_query_id", "fileName": "my_query.json" }
POST /xplainsession
JSON Schema
saveRequest |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
saveRequest |
The name of the destination file. |
type |
string |
The name/id of the query/request. |
type |
string |
writes for all object instances currently selected (current global selections) the dimension at the root object to a csv file. Which dimensions to write can be configured. See the methodgetSelectedInstances
for more details how to configure which dimensions and attributes to write.See also related methods, e.g.
POST /xplainsession
JSON Schema
saveRootDimensionsAsCSV |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
saveRootDimensionsAsCSV |
The elements (objects, dimensions and attributes) which should be written into the resulting JSON documents. |
type |
json array |
An array of root object keys which can be used to constrain written data to only those keys. |
type |
array of string |
The name of the csv file. If left void the keys will be written to the file with name Selected Root Dimensions.csv. |
type |
string |
saves the currently selected instances to file in a JSON format.See also the method
for more details on how to define which parts of an object (which sub-objects, dimensions and attributes) are to be exported.
POST /xplainsession
JSON Schema
saveSelectedInstances |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
saveSelectedInstances |
Name of the file. |
type |
string |
If a number 1 is given, data will be split into multiple files. |
type |
integer |
retrieves the keys for the root object according to the current global selections and writes them to a csv file.See also related methods, e.g.
POST /xplainsession
JSON Schema
saveSelectedRootObjectKeys |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
saveSelectedRootObjectKeys |
The name of the csv file. If left void the keys will be written to the file with name Selected Root Object Keys.csv. |
type |
string |
puts one or multiple selections to the “global selections” (see the description of the dynamic user interaction). “Put” thereby means, the selections will be put for the attribute given in the selection, i.e. it will override existing selections for the given attribute. After calling the select method all open requests which are affected by this selection are re-computed. The returned session document is updated with the new open request results.Example:
{ "method": "select", "selection": { "attribute" : { "object" : "Patient", "dimension" : "Gender", "attribute" : "Gender" }, "selectedStates" : ["male"] } }It is also possible to use wildcards to select several states matching a certain pattern.
{ "method": "select", "selection": { "attribute" : { "object" : "Prescription", "dimension" : "PZN", "attribute" : "ATC Class" }, "wildcardPattern" : "D03%", "wildcardSymbold" : "%" } }Specifying a wildcard symbol is optional, the default is “*”.
{ "method": "select", "selection": { "attribute" : { "object" : "Prescription", "dimension" : "PZN", "attribute" : "ATC Class" }, "wildcardPattern" : "D03*" } }For matching more complicated patterns, regular expressions can be used. The corresponding syntax can be found here: https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/17/docs/api/java.base/java/util/regex/Pattern.html
{ "method": "select", "selection": { "attribute" : { "object" : "Machine", "dimension" : "Serial Number", "attribute" : "Serial Number" }, "regexPattern" : "[a-z,A-Z]*[0-9]+.*" } }For case-insensitive matching via “wildcardPattern” or “regexPattern”, the optional flag “caseInsensitive” can be set. (Per default the flag is false, which results in case-sensitive matching.)
{ "method": "select", "selection": { "attribute" : { "object" : "Machine", "dimension" : "Serial Number", "attribute" : "Serial Number" }, "regexPattern" : "[a-z]*[0-9]+.*", "caseInsensitive": true } }Instead of a single selection an array of selections may be given:
{ "method": "select", "selections": [ { <a selection in JSON format> }, { <a selection in JSON format> } ] }
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON with new results according to the updated selections.
JSON Schema
select |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
select |
A selection JSON object (see description of the generic artifacts). |
type |
jsonobject |
An array of JSON objects, each one representing a selection. |
type |
jsonarray |
The optional name of the selection set where to put the selection - if not give, the global / default set is assumed. |
type |
string |
selects all states between the givenfrom
value for the given attribute (See also the methodselect
). The attribute needs to be an attribute of a numeric dimension. As of the current implementation, one of the two bounds is included and the other one is excluded. Which one is included depends on the setting for the attribute. One of the two bounds may be omitted, in which case all states below or above are selected. If thefrom
value falls within the boundaries of a state, this state will be included into the selection.This method might be soon replaced by something more convenient.
The following request for example selects all states of the attribute “Date” which are greater than 1.1.2014 (note that this mapping to a date depends on the time zone):
{ "method": "selectBetween", "object" : "Customer", "dimension" : "Date", "attribute" : "Date", "lowValue" : 1388530800000 }
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON with new results according to the updated selections.
JSON Schema
selectBetween |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
selectBetween |
The Object where the dimension and attribute is to be found. |
type |
string |
The dimension of the attribute. |
type |
string |
The attribute, either as string in combination with the |
type |
string or xelementpath |
Lower value |
type |
number |
Upper value |
type |
number |
Lower value - just an alias for the |
type |
number |
Upper value - just an alias for the |
type |
number |
A session may hold a description which can be set with this method. Typically this is use to describe the purpose of a session / an analysis which has been performed. The ObjectExplorer for example shows this description when clicking the corresponding info icon and allows to edit this description as an html document.
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON including the description.
JSON Schema
setDescription |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
setDescription |
The description text. |
type |
string |
Sets the format string for the given dimension. All dimensions which inherit format information will also immediately have this updated format in the session JSON.
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON including updated format information.
JSON Schema
setFormat |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
setFormat |
A JSONObject representing the path to a dimension (i.e. with properties |
type |
jsonobject |
The format string. |
type |
string |
Set the maximum number of instances allowed for ranking. Increasing this number might drastically increase the runtime when using ranking resources.
POST /xplainsession
JSON Schema
setMaxNrInstancesForRanking |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
setMaxNrInstancesForRanking |
The maximum number to be set (or null if no limit should be applied). |
type |
integer |
Sets the maximum size of of a one-dimensional group-by for the current session. The size of a group-by is the number of distinct states, e.g., if you define a “group by Product”, and there are 500 different states existing in the attribute “Product”, the size of the group-by is 500. The parameter setMaxOneDimGroupBySize defines a limit on each “one-dimensional” group-by, i.e. each component of a potentially multi-dimensional group-by. You can use this parameter to avoid that too large result sets are transmitted to web-based frontends.
POST /xplainsession
JSON Schema
setMaxOneDimGroupBySize |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
setMaxOneDimGroupBySize |
The maximum size |
type |
integer |
Set the upward propagation schema, i.e. from which objects selection propagate upward the object tree. For an explanation how selections propagate in a complex object model, see the description of the Object Analytics propagation schema.
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON with updated results according to propagated selections.
JSON Schema
setPropagateSelectionsUpward |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
setPropagateSelectionsUpward |
Boolean flag setting upward propagation to on or off. |
type |
boolean |
List of objects where to set the upward propagation flag - if omitted the flag will be set at all objects. |
type |
array of string |
The name of the selection set for which the upward propagation is to be set. If omitted the flag is set for the globalSelections. |
type |
string |
Set the given selections as a reference. Reference selections is an EXPERIMENTAL feature (beta feature), which might not be supported long term. As of the current status it will likely not be fully functional in combination with all other features.
{ "method": "setReference", "referenceName": "Target Customers", "referenceSelections": [ { // Selection 1 in JSON format }, { // Selection 2 in JSON format } ] }
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON together with the new reference.
JSON Schema
setReference |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
setReference |
An arbitrary but unique name for this reference. |
type |
string |
An array of JSON objects representing selections. (See the section on the generic artifacts) |
type |
object[] |
Once you have started a residual analysis, you may change the parameters, e.g. set a different selection set for the residual analysis. See also the documentation of startResidualAnalysis.
{ "method" : "startResidualAnalysis", "modelName": "My Discovery Model", "aggregation" : {"object" : "Prescriptions", "dimension" : "DDD", "aggregationType" : "SUM"}, "selectionSet" : "selectionSet1" }
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON with the adjusted queries describing the residual for the changed variable.
JSON Schema
setResidualAnalysisDefinition |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
setResidualAnalysisDefinition |
The name of the model for with the analysis is to be started. The model needs to be already loaded/existing in the session, and the residual analysis already started. |
type |
string |
The aggregation which defined the constructed independent variable. |
type |
object |
The selection set which defines the where-clause of the constructed independent variable. |
type |
string |
is deprecated. See the methodsetSelectionsForQuery
, which is the more generic method which also allows to set the fixed selections instead of only the external selections (floating selections). Use this method instead ofsetSelectionSetForQuery
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON with updated results
JSON Schema
setSelectionSetForQuery |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
setSelectionSetForQuery |
The name (=ID) of the query |
type |
string |
The name (=ID) of the selection set |
type |
string |
with the argumentexternalSelections
) binds a open query to the given selection set. Per default an open query pulls its selections from the “globalSelections” - it is called an “open” query because it is open for any further selections added or removed to the global selections (dynamically pulls selections from that set). A query may be bound to a different selection set by providing the argumentexternalSelections
- the query henceforth pulls its selections from the given set. You may also define a set of selections which are kept fix by means of the argumentselections
. Selections for the corresponding attributes are not dynamically pulled form an external selection set. For the general mechanism on fixed and floating selections see the general description of how a query is specified.
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON with updated results
JSON Schema
setSelectionsForQuery |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
setSelectionsForQuery |
The name (=ID) of the query |
type |
string |
The name (=ID) of the selection set (alias externalSelections) |
type |
string |
The name (=ID) of the selection set (alias selectionSet) |
type |
string |
A set for selections which will be applied as fixed selections to the query |
type |
array of selection |
Set the file, which is used as a the default configuration for the causal discovery algorithms.
{ "method":"setXcdDefaultConfigFile", "configFile" : {"ownership" : "PUBLIC", "filePath" : ["Causal Discovery - deep.xmodel"]} }
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON with the updated setting.
JSON Schema
setXcdDefaultConfigFile |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
setXcdDefaultConfigFile |
The location configuration file, e.g. with ownership and file path. The file needs to be of type XMODEL. |
type |
xfile |
Once you have built or loaded a model you may start the residual analysis for that model. I.e., you may define your own factor (independent variable) and see the difference of the predicted target probability vs. the observed target probability (the residual of the model) in dependence of that factor. There are two queries automatically generated which serve that purpose: The average of the predicted probability of the model by the chosen independent variable, and the number of target and non-target cases by the chosen independent variable. In percentage values, the latter give you the observed target probability.
Usually the gap between the two should be small, meaning that the model provided a good prediction in dependence of the chosen variable (the residual / error of the model is small). If so, that means that there is no need to explicitly add this variable into the set of independent variables. Some of the independent variables already “do the job” - viewing those helps you to understand, why the chosen independent variable is not in the model. The approach is therefore also termed as “Xplain Why Not”: Understand why certain factors are not in the list of direct, potentially causal factors.
It may also happen that the observed residual is significant (i.e. the automated search algorithm has not spotted the residual and has not closed the gap by automatically constructing a corresponding variable). In that case, you may force that variable into the model - see the method “addVariable”. The model parameters will be re-computed and you will see the contribution of the new factor and whether it is indeed significant.
{ "method" : "startResidualAnalysis", "modelName": "My Discovery Model", "object" : "Prescriptions", "selectionSet" : "globalSelections" }Starts the residual analysis for the given model. The variable is defined by the current selections in the globalSelections on the object “Prescriptions”. I.e., if you have currently selected the “pain killer” prescriptions, the defined variable is: number of pain killer prescriptions in the admitted time range prior to the target (or surrogate target) event. Usually it is helpful to choose a different selection set which has specifically been added for defining the semantics of the constructed variable. By simply choosing a different selection in that set, you may quickly evaluate variables with different semantics.
{ "method" : "startResidualAnalysis", "modelName": "My Discovery Model", "aggregation" : {"object" : "Prescriptions", "dimension" : "DDD", "aggregationType" : "SUM"}, "selectionSet" : "selectionSet1" }Starts the residual analysis whereby the defined variable is: sum of DDDs of the prescriptions of a patient according to current selections in selectionSet1.
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON with the additional queries describing the residual.
JSON Schema
startResidualAnalysis |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
startResidualAnalysis |
The name of the model for with the analysis is to be started. The model needs to be already loaded/existing in the session. |
type |
string |
The name of the object which is used for build the independent variable. Either the object needs to be given or explicitly the argument aggregation. |
type |
string |
The aggregation which defined the constructed independent variable. |
type |
object |
The selection set which defines the where-clause of the constructed independent variable. |
type |
string |
starts the sampling mode whereby all queries are computed using a quasi-random sample. With methodstopSampling
you may terminate the sampling mode again.@paramInteger} [sampleSize=10] The sample size in 1 of 1000, i.e. sampleSize=10 means a 1% sample. This parameter needs to be >0 and <1000.
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON with updated (sampled) results.
JSON Schema
startSampling |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
startSampling |
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON with without the residual analysis artifacts/queries.
JSON Schema
stopResidualAnalysis |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
stopResidualAnalysis |
The name of the model for with the analysis is to be stoped. |
type |
string |
terminates the sampling mode which has been started with the callstartSampling
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON with updated (non-sampled) results.
JSON Schema
stopSampling |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
stopSampling |
swaps data in a session.Example: swapping a single object, whereby the file comes from the public folder)
- {
“method” : “swapData”, “swapObject” : “Operation”, “tableFileName” : “Operation_08.xtable”
Example: swapping multiple objects simultaneously, whereby using fully qualified file descriptors
- {
“method” : “swapData”, “swapObjectList”: [
- {
“swapObject” : “Part”, “file” : {“ownership”: “PUBLIC”, “fileType”: “XTABLE”, “filePath” : [“Part_08.xtable”] }
}, {
“swapObject” : “Operation”, “file” : {“ownership”: “PUBLIC”, “fileType”: “XTABLE”, “filePath” : [“Operation_08.xtable”] }
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON whereby queries are not yet recomputed with the new data
JSON Schema
swapData |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
swapData |
The object where data should be swapped. |
type |
string |
Name of the xtable file with the new data. If you use this parameter it is assumed that the file is in the public area. To specify the ownership explicitly use the file parameter. |
type |
string |
Fully qualified file descriptor instead of the parameter tableFileName (see example). |
type |
file descriptor |
An array of objects to be swapped, each with the parameters swapObject and tableFileName/file (see example). |
type |
array |
The counterpart to the method
POST /xplainsession
Current status of the session as JSON with results for the given request/query.
JSON Schema
unpauseRequest |
type |
object |
properties |
type |
string |
default |
unpauseRequest |
The name / ID of the query which should be unpaused. |
type |
string |