
A xplain.ux.sequence.Window is a specialized window that basically depicts a sequence as returned by the openSequence backend request.

Config Parameters

showColorMarker = false

If true a color marker (line between the header and body of the window) will be shown. This marker indicates which to which ``selectionSet the query depicted in thiw window has been assigned.

sequence = null

The name of the sequence this window should depict.

width = 400

The width of this window. A numeric value will be interpreted as the number of pixels; a string value will be treated as a CSS value with units.

height = 300

The height of this window. A numeric value will be interpreted as the number of pixels; a string value will be treated as a CSS value with units.

x = null

Initial x position of this window in pixels. This x value is relative to the parentComponent.

y = null

Initial y position of this window in pixels. This y value is relative to the parentComponent.

innerBorder = false

If true, a border around the tree within this window will be used.

colorSelected = "#FFC65B"

The color used to depict selected states. Color has to be given as a string value which will be treated as a CSS value.

colorSemiSelected = "#FFE8BC"

The color used to depict semi-selected states (states that are not selected but where at least one child-state is selected). Color has to be given as a string value which will be treated as a CSS value.

colorBar = '#D9D9D9'

The color used to depict a bar. Color has to be given as a string value which will be treated as a CSS value.

showValuesAs = 'abs'

Show values as absolute or relative values. May be set to abs or rel.

isMenuEnabled = true

If false this window will have no menu. In contrast to the hideElements parameter, this one is useful when you would like to completely disable the menu.

parentComponent = null

ID of the parent container to which this window will be rendered. If you are programming an XOE Application, this parameter may be skipped

uiWindow = 'default'

the UI style for this window. This may be used in collaboration with the Sencha Themer to alter the layout of this window.

uiHeaderButton = 'default'

the UI style for this windows header buttons. This may be used in collaboration with the Sencha Themer to alter the layout of this window.

startupMode = 'table'

Defines the startup mode of this window.

The user may switch between depicting data as a table and a char. By default, the startup mode is set to table. You may use this config parameter to switch to chart



closes this window. If defined a callback function is being triggered after this window and the corresponding query have been closed successfully.


callback (function) – Function that is being triggered after this window and the corresponding query have been closed.




sets the color of the marker area (the border between header and body of a window).


the (string) – new color as CSS string, e.g. “#FF01A3” or “red”;