
A xplain.ux.attribute.AggregationWindow is a user interface dialog that enables the user to edit / create aggregations, i.e. instances of Xplain.Db.Aggregation. The dialog will basically look like this:

Please note that this widget does not alter any query, i.e. it does not add / update any aggregation of any query. Instead, this widget fires an event xplainUXNewAggregationSourceSubmitted (with an added parameter: the request you may want to send to backend to add an aggregation) which you might want to catch and/or if triggers the onSuccessCallback function that you may pass as parameter (again with an added parameter: the request you may want to send to backend to add an aggregation).

Instead, you may use this widget to get an instance of ‘Xplain.Db.Aggregation’ and use this object to do whatever you want.


Config Parameters

name = null

The name of this aggregation dimension.

aggregation = null

An instance of Xplain.Db.Aggregation that the user may edit or null if a new aggregation should be created.

expanded = false

If set to true the aggregation panel will be expanded on startup.

onSuccessCallback = null

a callback function that will be triggered if the user clicks on submit.

disableName = false

if set to true, the input field for the name of the aggregation will be disabled.

ignoreSetName = false

if set to true, the name of the aggregation set will be ignored.

mayReplaceFirstAggregation = false

if set to true, the checkbox that allows the user to set the “replace first aggregation” flag will be enabled.