Release Notes

Soon to be released

Here you find features which have recently been developed, but are not yet released. You might already want to test those features - pull the development docker image for that.

  • For each dimension and each query you can now view the definition in terms of a JSON document. It can copy that JSON and put it in a script to generate the corresponding artefact programatically.

  • Relative time axis may now also have “floating semantics” (in analogy with aggregation dimensions with floating semantics).

  • Boolean dimensions can now also be used for numeric computations (i.e. compute an average with a Boolean dimension). Thereby true corresponds to the value 1, false to 0.

  • Rank aggregations are now also available - you will soon here more about that. Those in particular help to analyze the sequence of events / flow of events.

  • You can attach formating data to dimensions.

Recently released

New features recently released or bug fixes:

  • Improved load distribution: Computation load is distributed better accross all cores such that all cores will be busy till aggregation task is finished. In the settings menue you can activate the performance monitor, which shows how load develops. For the most recent query, the monitor also shows the total computation time vs the average time per core. Ideally the avrrage should be close to the total, which means that all cores terminated their sub-tasks simultaneously (= perfect distributio of computation load accross cores).

  • Selections at root are better exploited to improve performance.

  • Selection of events “in an interval”.

  • You can save an analysis now with the option “include only required dynamic dimensions” (which is also the default). All other dimension which have been generatedby the user, which however are not required for the current analysis (open queries on the canvas), are not pesisted with the session.

  • Some improvements in the XOE: improved positioning of windows and snap-to-grid, sorting will persist with saved analyis, the maximum size of allowed group-bys is now also saved with a session …