Xplain Data - The World of ObjectAnalytics

Overview & Introduction
Setup and Installation
Xplain ObjectExplorer (XOE)
- 1. Motivation: Holistic Objects
- 2. An introduction to the XOE
- 3. Example Analysis
- 4. XOE Tutorial Videos
- The Object Tree
- Attributes, States and Hierarchies
- Simple Selections
- Adding additional measures / aggregations into a query
- Aggregations along the edges of the object tree
- Floating vs. fixed semantics aggregations
- How selections Propagate
- Multi-dimensional queries
- Charting
- How to “pin” selected instances / Boolean dimensions
- Boolean logical operations
- Time dimensions and time attributes in the XOE
- The relative time axis - basic version
- More details on the relative time axis
- Multiple Selection Sets
- “Floating Pins” and Selection Sets
- Event flow analysis
- Viewing artifact definitions / working with scripts
- Null values
- Adding additional attributes
- What is a session / login and logout
- Working with Analyses and the Dashboard
- Building analytical workflows
- Viewing detailed data
- Exporting results and detailed data
- Other helpful stuff, settings and technical information
- Helpful to know with respect to performance
- Elsewhere
- 5. XOE Python integration
Xplain Causal Discovery
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Features
- 3. Causal Discovery Configuration
- aggregation
- aggregations
- allowNegations
- allowedToPrune
- combinations
- computeAllAlternatives
- computeRelatedFactors
- constrainModelScopePriorToTarget
- constrainSurrogateTargetsToTargetTimeFrame
- description
- exclusionPattern
- exhaustiveOneAttributes
- finalVariableSet
- generateInteractions
- groupBy
- inclusionPattern
- independentAggregationConstraints
- independentEventConstraints
- independentEventFromDate
- independentEventToDate
- independentVariableSets
- injectVariablesStepwise
- leaveOneOutSearch
- marginIncluded
- maxDegreeInteractions
- maxIndependentVariables
- maxNumberVariablesPerAttribute
- minBeta
- minImpact
- minSupport
- modelScopeAttributes
- modelScopeDimension
- modelScopeSelections
- name
- nonTargetReferenceEventTimeDimensions
- nonTargetRelativeTimeReferenceType
- object
- pairwiseScoringByFalseNegativePredictions
- predictOnRelativeTimeWithMarginOfDays
- predictiveModelObject
- predictiveModelType
- primaryTargetSelectionAttributes
- processTimeScale
- rejectAsExplanation
- relativeIndependentEventsPeriod
- relativeTimeAttributeConfiguration
- saveResultsToCSV
- significance
- startOfEpisodeAttributes
- startOfEpisodeSelections
- startOfLifeDimension
- subSamplePeerGroup
- targetAndSurrogateTargetEventSpace
- targetDimension
- targetSelections
- thresholds
- timeDimensions
- variableSelectionIterations
- variableSetSplitLimit
Importing Data
Developer Interfaces
- 1. Generic Artefacts
- 2. Web API
- addAggregation
- addAggregationDimension
- addAttribute
- addBooleanLogicDimension
- addDateTimeElementDimension
- addElapsedTimeAttribute
- addFlagExtractionDimension
- addGroupBy
- addLinearSumDimension
- addMaxNumberDimension
- addMinNumberDimension
- addNumberRangesAttribute
- addNumericDimensions
- addObject
- addPointInTimeAttribute
- addQuotientDimension
- addRelativeTimeDimensions
- addSampleDimension
- addSelectionSet
- addThresholdDimension
- addTimeDifferenceDimension
- addTimeDurationAttribute
- addVariable
- buildModel
- buildMostFrequentStatesAttribute
- buildPredictiveModel
- buildSortedSequence
- cacheAggregationDimensions
- cleanObjectTree
- clearAllSelectionSets
- clearAllSelections
- clearResultsFolder
- clearSelections
- clearSelectionsForSequence
- collapse
- computeRequest
- copyTable
- createRequest
- deleteAllOpenRequests
- deleteAllRequests
- deleteModel
- deleteRequest
- deleteSequence
- deleteSequenceQueries
- disableCaching
- downloadSelections
- dropAggregationDimensionCaches
- enableCaching
- evaluatePerformance
- executeAndExportQuery
- executeAndExportRequest
- executeBatch
- executeQuery
- executeRequest
- executeScript
- expand
- expandToLevel
- exportResults
- exportSelections
- getAnalysis
- getCachingEnabled
- getChildren
- getDefinition
- getFilesWithDetails
- getModelDifference
- getPathForStates
- getProgress
- getSelectedInstances
- getSelectedLeafs
- getSelectedRootObjectKeys
- getSelectedStatesForLevel
- getSelections
- getSession
- getStateHierarchy
- getStatesListForLevel
- getTreeContainingString
- goBackInSelections
- goForwardInSelections
- importQuery
- importRequest
- importSelections
- killTasks
- loadAnalysis
- loadObject
- modifyAggregation
- omitNullValueResults
- openAttribute
- openQuery
- openRequest
- openSequence
- openSequenceQueries
- pauseQuery
- pauseRequest
- pin
- pinObjects
- proposeModelConfiguration
- putSelection
- putUserData
- refitModel
- removeAggregation
- removeAttribute
- removeAttributeIfExists
- removeDimension
- removeDimensionIfExists
- removeGroupBy
- removeObject
- removeObjectIfExists
- removeSelectionSet
- renameDimension
- replicateDimension
- resumeAnalysis
- saveAnalysis
- saveAsCSV
- saveModelConfiguration
- saveQuery
- saveRequest
- saveRootDimensionsAsCSV
- saveSelectedInstances
- saveSelectedRootObjectKeys
- select
- selectBetween
- setDescription
- setFormat
- setMaxNrInstancesForRanking
- setMaxOneDimGroupBySize
- setPropagateSelectionsUpward
- setReference
- setResidualAnalysisDefinition
- setSelectionSetForQuery
- setSelectionsForQuery
- setXcdDefaultConfigFile
- startResidualAnalysis
- startSampling
- stopResidualAnalysis
- stopSampling
- swapData
- unpauseRequest
- 3. Python Package (XplainPy)
- 4. Xplain JavaScript Package (XplainJs)
- 5. Java Interface
Customer Area / Links
Indices and tables
Contact us: Grünlandstr. 27, 85604 Zorneding, Germany