3. Application Start

How to start the XplainData Object Analytics application

start Community Edition

start the XOE by click XplainData-ObjectAnalytics app from application menu

XOE Community Edition

XOE Community Edition application icon


XOE Community Edition Control Panel

Click Open ObjectExlorer to open the ObjectExplorer in the default browser Click Quit to close the application

start from command line with jar file

XOE configuration options during startup

To start XOE with default startup configuration:

It is possible to start XOE with a given default startup configuration, the startup configuration filename can be specified in the application properties variable startupconfig via an entry in the application.properties file: enter the following line in the application.properties file


or run JVM from command line with parameter --startupconfig

java -jar oe.jar --startupconfig=<startup configuration filename> --spring.datasource.url="jdbc:sqlite:<path/to>/exampleusers.db"

One can use JVM parameter to specify the external database instead of using default sqlite database exampleusers.db

java -jar oe.jar --spring.datasource.url=jdbc:sqlite:/path/to/my_user_db.db

To run XOE with a specific logging level, you can use the option --logging.level.root=<log level>. The possible values are TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, and FATAL. We recommend to set the log level to INFO during the test phase of the software. Later you can raise the log level to WARN or ERROR, depending on how verbose the logging should be. For instance, to log only the warning (as well as error and fatal) messages, the logging level could be set using the following command:

java -jar oe.jar --logging.level.root=WARN

To enable CORS for XOE

By default, CORS is disabled. To enable CORS in XOE one has to

  • enable CORS, this will be done by running XOE with CORS profile –spring.profiles.activ=cors

java -jar oe.jar --spring.profiles.acti=cors
  • define the allowed origins explicitly, this could be done either by using parameter –xplain.allowed.origins or –xplain.allowed.originPatterns, you can maintain multiple allowed origins or allowed origin patterns separated by comma.

java -jar oe.jar --spring.profiles.acti=cors --xplain.allowed.origins=http://localhost:63343,https://localhost:63344