4. Directory Structure

Main Directories

All data and configuration files reside in predefined subdirectories of a directory that is specified by the environment variable xplainpath. (In some cases, it is also possible to specify this path as a command line parameter.) This directory structure contains the following subdirectories and files:

  • log: contains log files

  • public: contains the directory structure listed below for files accessible by all users

  • teams: contains a subdirectory for each team with the directory structure listed below

  • temp: contains temporary files

  • trash: contains deleted user/team directories

  • user_licenses: contains the license file for using Xplain Data’s software

  • users: contains a subdirectory for each user with the directory structure listed below


The public directory and the directories for each team and for each user contain the following subdirectories:

  • analyses: (*.xanalysis) analysis files

  • applications: (*.xapplication) application files

  • config: configuration files

    • dashboard: (dashboard.config)

    • export: export configurations

    • import: import configurations

      • attributes: (*.xattributeconfig) XAttribute configuration files, i.e., files that are used to configure the creation of *.xattribute files

      • generation_scripts: (*.xgenscript) generation scripts, i.e., files that contain task definitions for creating XTables and XAttributes (generation script might contain references to XTable configuration files)

      • tables: (*.xtableconfig) XTable configuration files, i.e., files that are used to configure the creation of *.xtable files

    • models: (*.xdefaultmodel, *.xmodel) model files

    • projects (*.xproject) project files

    • startup: (*.xstartup) startup configurations, i.e., files that configure the initial loading of XTables and XAttributes for a session

    • templates

  • data: data files

    • attributes: (*.xattribute) attribute files (files containing information about the possible states of one/several database columns, usually organized in an appropriate hierarchy)

    • export: data files exported from XTables to other formats

    • import: data files to be imported from other formats (e.g. *.xlsx) into XTables or XAttributes

    • tables: (*.xtable) XTable files (files containing information from a database table)

  • results: result files of analyses (e.g. *.xmodelresult files)

  • scripts: (*.xscript) script files

  • selections: (*.xselection) selection files

  • temp: temporary files