Interaction with xoe

Create a chart, install python package and set the options.

  • The xplain session instance shall be created by the constructor method xplain.Xsession(), the constructor shall be called without parameters like url, username and password

  • xplain.startup() or xplain.load_from_session_id() are not necessary, the xplain session is take over from the current XOE xplain session.

  • Any xplain session changes made by python code will automatically reflected in XOE, and vice versa.

  • In Web Assembly environment, the options values can be accessed inside python code via the global dict args. For example you have defined following options: –gender=”male”, to access this option in python code you could use args.get("gender")

Example code for interaction with xoe:

import xplain

print(f'args: {args}')

GenderSelection = args.get('Gender')

methodCalls = [
    "method": "setPropagateSelectionsUpward",
    "propagateSelectionsUpward": False
    "selectionSet": "globalSelections",
    "selections": [
        "attribute": {
          "name": "Gender",
          "attribute": "Gender",
          "dimension": "Gender",
          "object": "Patients"
        "selectedStates": [
    "method": "select"
    "request": {
      "requestName": "openGender",
      "groupBys": [
          "groupByName": "GROUP BY Gender",
          "groupByLevelNumber": 1,
          "groupByStatesFormHierarchyWithRoot": "Gender",
          "includeUpperLevels": True,
          "attribute": {
            "name": "Gender",
            "attribute": "Gender",
            "dimension": "Gender",
            "object": "Patients"
      "requestId": "openGender",
      "externalSelections": "globalSelections",
      "aggregations": [
          "aggregationType": "COUNT",
          "aggregationName": "# Patients",
          "complementMissingBranches": False,
          "type": "COUNT",
          "object": "Patients"
    "method": "openQuery"

x = xplain.Xsession(){ "method": "executeBatch", "methodCalls": methodCalls})
  1. Click on the menu.

    A screenshot

  2. Click on the “Python” button and then Click on “Start Python”

    A screenshot

  3. Click “New” and copy the above code example to the code block.

    A screenshot

  4. Enter packages that you want to install in pip install, for example: “xplain” and enter “–Gender=F” to set the gender as F.

    A screenshot

  5. Save the file as “InteractionXOE”.

    A screenshot

  6. Click “Run” to run the python script and you will see a newly created chart in xoe.

    A screenshot